  • 學位論文


Building an intelligent factory big data platform based on the Industry 4.0

指導教授 : 吳肇銘


近年來工業4.0的發展與技術越來越火熱,工業4.0的概念主要由德國在2012年提出,研究透過物聯網(Internet of Things)與大數據(Big Data)的結合,在一般的傳統製造工廠中導入工業4.0的應用,而在一般的傳統工廠中,製造產品所產生的製造參數通常會因為大量、規模化的製造而不被記錄下來或者是記錄下來之後的一小段時間就消除,因此研究希望建立一個大數據的分析平台,將製造過程中的數據紀錄下來以便進行分析,並且透過視覺化的介面進而監控產品的生產情形,在傳統的工廠中製造的產品會因為機台設備的狀況而影響品質,因此透過製程參數的時間記錄,能夠清楚地記錄下產品異質的狀況或是提早發現問題出現的原因並排除。


工業4.0 大數據平台 物聯網


In recent years the industry 4.0 development and the technology were become more and more popular.The industry 4.0 concepts mainly proposed by Germany in 2012.The research integrate the Internet of Things(IoT) and the Big date to make the industry 4.0 applications in the general tradition factory. Because of the formalization and the big quantification, the manufacture parameter usually will not be record or delete in the short time.Therefore,the research hope to build an big data analysis platform,will make the manufacture parameter to be record and analysis.The research hopes to monitor product production situation.After the research making the factory information visualize,staff member can grasp project progress quickly and help staff member to find out the problem.


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