  • 學位論文


The effect of individual culture value orientation on overseas adjustment of foreign workers in Taiwan : Taking Vietnamese workers as an example

指導教授 : 邱雅萍


本研究係探討個人價值觀導向對在台外籍勞工海外適應之影響,以越南籍勞工為例, 在參考相關研究的理論與架構,本研究提出越南籍勞工之個人文化價值導向對其在台灣的 適應有影響關係。其次,本研究由主管部屬交換關係 (LMX) 及團隊成員交換關係 (TMX) 理論觀點,探討越南籍勞工之交換關係對海外適應的影響。本研究採用問卷方式蒐集資料, 共回收有效問卷 181 份。實證結果發現:1. 外籍勞工的個人主義與集體主義對海外適應有 顯著影響;2. 外籍勞工的個人主義與集體主義對 LMX與 TMX有顯著影響;3. 外籍勞工的 LMX與 TMX對海外適應有顯著影響;4. LMX與 TMX在個人文化價值導向與海外適應之 關係中具有中介效果。


This study discusses the effect of individual culture value orientation on overseas adjustment of foreign workers in Taiwan, taking Vietnamese workers as an example. In reference to the theory and framework of related research, the study proposes that the effect of individual culture value orientation of Vietnamese workers, their degree of adaptation in Taiwan have an influential relationship. Secondly, from Leader-Member Exchange Theory (LMX) and Team-Member Exchange Theory (TMX), this study discusses explores the impact of Vietnamese workers on the exchange relationship and overseas adjustment. In this study, questionnaire survey was used to collect data, a total of 181 valid questionnaires were recovered. The findings are as follows that: First, individualism and collectivism have a significant impact on overseas adjustment. Second, individualism and collectivism have a significant impact on LMX and TMX. Third, LMX and TMX have a significant impact on overseas adjustment. And the fourth, LMX and TMX have an intermediary effect between in the relationship between individual culture value orientation and overseas adjustment.


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