  • 學位論文


Feigned Cognitive Deficits in Wechsler Memory Scale-Third Edition: Simulating Traumatic Brain Injuries

指導教授 : 譚偉象


魏氏記憶量表中文版第三版是目前臨床實務中常用的衡鑑工具,國外雖已累積許多運用魏氏記憶量表偵測詐病的研究成果,但目前國內仍極度缺乏使用魏氏記憶量表來偵測詐病之研究。目前有些研究指出,受到字長效果影響,對中文使用者施以魏氏智力量表第三版(中文版)之記憶廣度分測驗偵測詐病之切截分數宜提高,魏氏記憶量表第三版(中文版)亦包含記憶廣度分測驗,此外,測驗題目於中文化時因考慮到文化和語言因素而有修改。因此,臨床的使用及詐病偵測上,直接沿用國外之切截分數仍需進一步檢驗,以探究測驗工具經中文化之後的偵測指標切截分數仍否適用。本研究之目的即在於探究使用魏氏記憶量表第三版偵測台灣樣本偽裝認知障礙者之效能,並探究使用國外研究發現之偵測指標之較合適的切截分數。 本研究採參與者間設計,將80位健康的參與者以隨機分派的方式平均分成兩組:偽裝認知障礙組與一般控制組,並施以全套魏氏記憶量表第三版。研究結果發現,偽裝認知障礙者與一般控制組在各指數分數和分測驗分數的得分皆達顯著差異。進一步將目前國外研究發現偵測詐病較敏感的指標運用ROC曲線分析計算各切截分數之敏感度和特異度,發現台灣樣本中,運用國外指標之切截分數需調整才能提升其詐病偵測能力。


Wechsler Memory Scale-Third Edition Chinese version (WMS-IIIC) is a frequently used assessment tool in clinical practice. Even though there are plenty of accumulated malingering detection studies using WMS-III in Western society, it still extremely lacks related studies in Taiwan. According to the current studies, it’s because of the “word-length effect” that the cut-off points need to be raised when we use the Digit Span subtest in Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition Chinese version (WAIS-IIIC) to detect malingering. As for WMS-IIIC, there is also included the Digit Span subtest. Besides, some of the test items were modified because of the culture and language difference. Therefore, it needs to examine whether the cut-off points that used in Western society for detecting malingering can be used with Chinese speakers. The aims of the present study were to explore the applicability of WMS-IIIC for detecting malingered neurocognitive dysfunction and the adequate cut-off points in Taiwan sample. The present study was based on a between-participant design. Eighty healthy participants were randomly assigned to two groups: dissimulated neurocognitive dysfunction group and control group. All of the participants were administered all the WMS-IIIC subtests. The result showed that the dissimulated neurocognitive dysfunction group performed significantly worse than the control group. Moreover, after using ROC analysis to calculate the sensitivity and the specificity of some malingering detection indexes that used in Western society, it showed that most of the cut-off points needed to be adjusted.


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