  • 學位論文

CAN Bus建置車用網路實驗平台

Building a Vehicle Network Test Platform Based on CAN Bus

指導教授 : 吳章銘


控制器區域網路(CAN Bus),是一種能夠有效支援分散式網路,進行即時控制的網路傳輸標準;該標準的偵錯機制與仲裁機制提供了高安全性與可靠度,並能夠簡化分散式網路建構所產生的複雜線路,目前已被廣泛應用在工業、醫療及汽車上。另外,車輛上的行車安全系統也逐漸受到重視,藉由各種感測裝置,輔助駕駛,以減少交通事故的發生率。 本論文以嵌入式系統模擬駕駛座與車體,使用CAN Bus網路的連接,實現防酒駕(anti-drunk driving)系統與防碰撞(collision avoidance)系統之掛載節點,可進行訊號之偵測與節點之控制,並將連線測試之結果輸出至電腦顯示,建構一車用網路實驗平台。此平台系統還可以繼續擴充建置新的與車用有關之測試實驗,以利相關安全性測試實驗之進行。


Controller Area Network (CAN Bus) is a network specification, which can effectively support real-time control in distributed networks. CAN Bus provides for the high level safety and reliability with error detection and arbitration. It also simplifies the distributed network topology. CAN Bus has been widely used in the industry, medicine, and vehicles. In recent years, people pay attention to the traffic safety systems of vehicles more and more. To reduce incidence of accidents, sensing devices and driving assistance systems are mounted on vehicles. In this research paper, a testing embedded platform of vehicle network was built. The vehicle network testing platform includes four parts: a driver's seat, a car body, anti-drunk driving system, and collision avoidance system. These parts can be linked with CAN Bus as nodes. Each node can be communicated in the CAN Bus. The frames on the CAN Bus can be measured and displayed on the computer. The testing platform could expand and build more other CAN Bus nodes for experiments of vehicle control and safety tests.


embedded system test platform CAN Bus


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陳宗佑(2016)。基於CAN Bus建置駕駛監控測試平台〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201600716
