  • 學位論文


A Study on Management Mechanism of Urban Ecological Park-A Study of Dainan Forest Park,Taoyuan City

指導教授 : 彭文惠


摘要 都市化是二十一世紀影響環境最重要的因素之一,高度都市化發展伴隨社會與生態環境問題,環境快速變動導致太多無法控制的因素影響生活,在緊密的都市空間裡,公園綠地是都市中少存的綠地開放空間,世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)主張,都市綠地對人類有諸多好處:可以調節氣溫、改善空氣品質、阻隔噪音、提供人們從事休閒運動和社交活動、促進人們的心理健康,因此建議都市要提供人均綠地面積為9平方公尺,近年,許多心理和環境學家研究指出,綠地對人體與心理健康會帶來正面的影響,接觸大自然可以減少壓力產生幸福感,公共綠地可以讓人更快樂。因此,面對環境的永續議題,加上近年生態保育和環境維護的意識提升,都市公園被賦予重要角色,開始朝向生態化發展,重視生態棲地的保育與營造以建立生態系統的平衡,延續人與自然共生的永續環境。 生態公園永續經營的關鍵,在於後續維護管理和保育意識,因此,本研究以桃園大湳森林公園為例,建立未來生態公園永續經營管理機制,透過案例的借鏡分析,了解國內生態公園的推動發展和經營,藉由個案研究對大湳森林公園進行基礎二手資料的搜集、摘錄整理和分析,本文第四章環境資源說明到棲地分區營造,摘錄自生態調查單位,從生態專業的調查和整合了解生態棲地的組成和發展,加以分析探討,以及第四章第六節規劃設計發展,摘錄自規劃設計單位,檢視對大湳森林公園營造建置時所建構的發展脈絡和目標,並利用參與觀察和半結構式訪談的方式,彙整目前公園的發展狀況,在形塑生態化公園的過程中,發掘生態公園面臨的困境和課題,作為未來大湳森林公園經營管理機制建立之依據。 本研究對象大湳森林公園原為保一總隊大湳營區,2017年8月退役後交由桃園市政府管理,因長期作為營區使用,環境干擾程度相對較低加上生態性高,具有多樣的植被和棲地組成 ,為都市中珍貴的自然資源,因此桃園市政府以生態保育的規劃朝向森林公園定位發展,2018年1月市政府委託生態調查單位和規劃設計單位,先後執行生態調查資源盤點工作和公園整體規劃設計,2020年6月正式動工,進行生態棲地的營造工程,直至目前施工作業持續進行當中,預計2022年底前完工。本研究對象大湳森林公園面臨土地資源的轉型利用,為平衡都市擴張和生態維護的保育,以生態化發展,平衡生態環境與生活場域之保護,因此,期望透過大湳森林公園的發展過程,了解建置過程所造成的生態影響和環境衝擊等相關影響因子,找出形塑生態化公園的困境與課題,未來如何維護生物多樣性的棲地環境,建立對大湳森林公園的經營管理,且具有生態維護保育之機制,以達到生態化公園的永續經營之參考價值和關鍵。


Abstracts Urbanization is one of the most important factors affecting the environment in the 21st century. The high level of urbanization is accompanied by social and ecological problems, and the rapid changes in the environment have too many uncontrollable factors affecting our lives. The World Health Organization (WHO) advocates that green spaces have many benefits for people in city:it can regulate the temperature, improve air quality, block noise, provide people with leisure sports and social activities, and promote people's mental health, to proposed green space per capita for the city is 9 square meters, In recent years, many psychologists and environmentalists have pointed out that green space has a positive impact on human and mental health, that exposure to nature can reduce stress and create a sense of well-being, and that public green space can make people happier. Therefore, in the face of environmental sustainability issues, coupled with the increased awareness of ecological conservation and environmental protection in recent years, urban parks have been given an important role to play and have begun to develop towards ecology, placing more emphasis on the creation of ecological habitats and the establishment and balance of ecological systems in order to continue a sustainable living environment in which people and nature coexist. The key to sustainable management of ecological parks lies in the subsequent maintenance management and conservation awareness. Therefore, this study takes the Dainan Forest Park in Taoyuan as an example to establish a sustainable management mechanism for future ecological parks and through case study analysis, we understand the promotion development and operation of domestic ecological parks, and to collect, extract and organize and analyze basic secondary data on Dainan Forest Park through case study. Chapter 4:Environmental Resource Description to Habitat Zoning, is extracted from the Ecological Survey Unit, which analyzes and explores the composition and development of ecological habitats from the survey and integration of ecological professions, and Chapter 4, Section 6: Planning and Design Development, is extracted from the Planning and Design Unit, In the process of shaping the ecological park, the dilemmas and issues faced by the ecological park are explored as the basis for the establishment of the future management mechanism of Dainan Forest Park. The subject of this study, Dainan Forest Park, formerly the Dainan Camp of the First Brigade, was decommissioned in August 2017 and handed over to the Taoyuan City Government for management. Because of its long-term use as a camp area, the degree of environmental disturbance is relatively low, coupled with the high ecological diversity of vegetation and habitat composition, which is a precious natural resource in the city, therefore the Taoyuan City Government has developed towards forest park positioning with ecological conservation planning. In January 2018, the city government commissioned an ecological survey unit and a planning and design unit to carry out an ecological survey resource inventory and overall planning and design of the park, and construction began in June 2020 to create an ecological habitat. The target of this study, Dainan Forest Park, is faced with the transformation of land resources, and in order to balance urban expansion and conservation of ecological maintenance, ecological development, balance between ecological environment and protection of living areas. Therefore, through the development process of Dainan Forest Park, we expect to understand the ecological impact and environmental impact related factors caused by the construction process, find the dilemma and issues of ecological park shaping, how to maintain the habitat environment of biodiversity in the future, establish the operation and management of Dainan Forest Park, and have the mechanism of ecological maintenance and protection to achieve the reference value and key of sustainable operation of the ecological park.


