  • 學位論文


The Way of the New Chinese Scholarly Businessman Culture to Sustainable Enterprise: A Case Study of TBMS International Corporation

指導教授 : 陳筱琪


企業以營利為目的,其持續獲利能力,反映出國家社會的競爭力。但企業在創造利潤同時,是否能秉持擇善固執的精神,為國家與社會有所貢獻,為人類生命尊嚴而服務,並且創造生命的價值,進一步邁向永續的目標,此為當代企業值得思考的重要議題。 本研究利用個案研究法與深度訪談法作為研究方式,並以博而美國際股份有限公司暨關係企業做為研究對象,藉此探討將中華文化的儒家思想,導入企業經營管理領域,建構一個以「德行」、「良善」為驅使動力的企業經營模式,做到「義」與「利」完整結合的企業體,進而做到以永續經營為目標的「新儒商」。 研究結果發現,企業創辦人須先建立明確的經營理念與使命,而企業運行的核心價值便會形成公司的企業文化;若企業文化被企業所有員工內化成為中心思想與信念,作為行事準則以及標準依據,則企業將具備經營經爭優勢。本研究指出若進一步能將企業管理的「企業經營」,結合德行修養的「儒家思想」,透過體現實踐的「教育學習」,加上企業主分享擁有的「活水計畫」四個層面一一落實,將可促使企業邁向永續經營新儒商的理想目標。


A goel of an enterprise is to make money. A private enterprise’s ability to continually make profit reflects the competitive strength of a country of a society. The ultimate goal of operating an enterprise is to create wealth. But in the process of managing an enterprise and creating wealth we should not consider profit motivation alone. Being benevolent towards others should also be a driving force that comes freom within. If we act on the goodness of our hearts based on moral concepts, choose to do the right things and doing them well, and perform the company’s business with professional skills, we can establish a noble enterprise, an enterprise that changes people’s future and creates dignity and value for our own lives. By case study research and in-depth interview for TBMS International Corporation Limited, this reaserch is focus on ways to establish “New Scholarly Bussinessman” concept that combines benevolence and profit-making in a harmonious unity. Our goal is to engage in business with scholarly businessman attitude, to use business to rear scholars, to make profit through the path of righteousness, and to foster righteousness with profit made. In doing so we will gain the generated momentum that propels us toward a sustainable enterprise. The reaserch found that the founder of an enterprise should set up a company’s philosophy on business management and enterprise’s mission determinately. Then the core value of a corporate’s competitive spirit will generate business culture. Employees base the competitive strength on the corporate culture, no matter what the market trend or the competition changes, the enterprise will stand still in corporation’s ultimate competitive advantage. Furthermore the study shows that “business management” and corporate core values are utilized to gerate lasting structures and policies, stressing innovation, competitiveness. Using “Confucian philosophy” as a base, with emphasis on virtue and good work, corporate will train management talents for sustainable operation. In addition colleagues are urged to constantly improve new skills and to elevate their moral conducts to higher levels, followed by “Teaching and learning program”. The fourth step the business owner should establish a legally valid “Living water succession plan”. This plan will allow contributors to company’s successes to own company stock and become one of the stakeholders and the ownership can be passed on to future generations of the corporation. The four fundamental principles of sustainable majagement is the blue print for sustainable operation.


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