  • 學位論文


The study of the working environment on middle age and elderly women

指導教授 : 呂志維


我國在近年因人口老化和嬰兒人數逐年下降的壓力之下,對中高年齡的勞工,有協助他們再次就業或延長就業的需求。在工作的環境和職務的再設計都有他的必要,但是在天生上男女有別而很少見到考慮到中高齡女性的工作環境之相關研究。如何提供安全、衛生、友善多個年齡的工作職場,以吸引、留住並提高中高齡者的工作績效尤其是女性;並推動促成經驗與技術傳承的混齡團體、組織與設計,將成為臺灣各事業單位與工作組織因應少子化、高齡化社會難以避免的問題。 本研究運用人因工程(實體人因、認知人因、組織人因) 三方面的相關知識,及利用人因檢核表修改後之問卷對中高齡女性之工作環境做研究,將有效問卷分成三個部分進行統計分析,第一部份為問卷基本資料之次數統計,第二部份為統整人因三大領域得分數,將所得分數作敘述統計分析,第三部分為將人因三大領域得分數,進行ANOVA分析,觀察醫療院所與人因三大領域是否存在顯著差異。 研究結果顯示在醫療院所顯著差異的項目為認知人因工程(心智需求、人機互動、工作壓力),在科技公司顯著差異的項目為實體人因工程(工作場所設計、體力需求、作業環境)、與作業分析與工作組織。因此,本研究將針對顯著差異項目提供人因工程建議事項,大致可分為四大類,分別為「職務再設計」、「人機介面」、「工作壓力模型」及以「資訊傳遞的正確性」,可做為提供雇主評估工作環境對中高齡女性之影響。


There are requirements to assist middle-aged employees for reemployment or extend employment due to the aging of population and decline of neonate in our country. The redesign of working environment and duties is necessary. But there is a difference between men and women, and it is rare to see the related studies of middle-aged female working environment. Due to the low birth rate and aging society in Taiwan, it will be an unavoidable issue between the business departments and organizations: how to offer safe, hygienic, age-friendly work environment to appeal, to keep, to promote the performance of middle-aged worker, especially female workers, and to promote the mixed age groups, organization and design which have the heritage of experience and technology. The study applied three aspects related knowledge of Ergonomics (physical Ergonomics, Cognitive Ergonomics and Organizational Ergonomics) and did the research on the working environment of elderly women through the revised questionnaires which is based on the Ergonomics checklist. Statistical analysis of the effective questionnaire was divided into three parts. The first part is the number statistics of the basic information of the questionnaire. The second part is integrating whole the three areas scores to do the described statistical analysis. The third part is integrating whole the three areas scores to do the ANOVA, and observing whether there are significant differences between medical institutions and the three aspects of Ergonomics. The results showed the significant differences items in the medical institutions is Cognitive Ergonomics (psychological demand, human-computer interaction, work pressure) and physical demand, and in the technology companies are Physical Ergonomics (workplace design, physical demand, working environment), job analysis and work organization. Therefore, this study will provide the recommendations of Ergonomics for significant differences items. The recommendations can be broadly divided into four main categories which are respectively: “job redesign”, “human interface”, “job stress model” and “information delivery correctness”, and it can be used to provide employers as assessment of impact on the working environment of older women.


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