  • 學位論文

性訴求香水廣告的廣告偏好對購買意願之影響 以性別及購買目的為干擾變數

The Impact of Advertisement Preference for Perfume Sexual Appeal on Purchase Intention Gender and purchase purpose as Moderators

指導教授 : 王如鈺


廣告產業屬於支援型產業,產業的盈餘多寡通常會伴隨著景氣的高低而波動。在廣告實務上,Reichert and Carpenter(2004)研究發現從1983到2003年間的廣告呈現方式,為了達到以往性訴求所能達到的廣告效果,廣告中的性變得更加圖像化,而視覺的刺激也更大膽露骨。而香水廣告中的這些性元素,是否與產品本身有關?以及使用性元素是否為香水廣告之必備條件,能否為銷售產品做到正向的宣傳效果?對於學術界與實務界來說,都是值得深入探討的一個重要主題。本研究將針對性訴求廣告對於消費者廣告喜好度的影響,以及性訴求廣告的偏好度,對產品購買意願之影響進行研究探討。 本研究以單因子變異數分析(One Way ANOVA)、雙因子變異數分析(Two Ways ANOVA)與線性迴歸為分析方法,採取實驗問卷的形式進行研究,探討不同性訴求廣告對消費者廣告偏好以及購買目的之影響效果,再以性別與購買目的為干擾因素,分析討論是否會干擾消費者之廣告偏好與購買意願。研究結果如下: 1. 消費者對於明確性訴求廣告的廣告偏好,高於非性訴求廣告;對於含蓄性訴求廣告的廣告偏好,高於非性訴求廣告,但對於明確性訴求廣告與含蓄性訴求廣告的廣告偏好卻並沒有明顯差別。 2. 性別會影響廣告訴求對消費者的廣告偏好的關係。但對於明確性訴求與含蓄性訴求之關係並無顯著影響。其中,男性消費者對於明確性訴求廣告的偏好高於非性訴求廣告,對於含蓄性訴求廣告的偏好同樣高於非性訴求廣告;而女性對於含蓄性訴求廣告之偏好高於明確性訴求廣告與非性訴求廣告,對於明確性訴求之香水廣告的廣告偏好高於非性訴求廣告。 3. 不論是男性或女性消費者對香水廣告的喜好程度,與香水購買意願均成正向關係。消費者對於廣告的偏好,與購買意願之間關係,並不會因為性別不同而改變。 4. 男性消費者對香水廣告的喜好程度,與購買意願關係,會因購買香水的目的不同而改變。而女性消費者則並不會受到影響。 以上研究結果證明了香水性訴求廣告雖然會提高消費者的廣告偏好與購買意願,但對於廣告的性訴求層次卻因性別的不同而有不同的感知,香水廣告之性訴求程度如果過高,如過分裸露、過分強調性元素,則可能影響到女性消費者對該廣告之觀感,進而降低購買意願。本研究就此研究結果對實務界與學術界提出了建議,以其供業者設計更有效的行銷策略之參考。


The advertising industry is a supportive industry. The surplus of the industry usually fluctuates along with the prosperity of the economy. Reichert and Carpenter (2004) found that from 1983 to 2003, in order to achieve the advertising effect that sexual appeals can achieve in the past, the sexual appeals become more visualized and visually stimulated. Whether or not these sexual elements in perfume advertisements are related to the product itself? and whether the use of sexual elements is a prerequisite for perfume ads? whether it can achieve positive publicity for the sales of products? all of these are important topics worth to discuss deeply. This study will focus on the impact of sexual appeal advertising on consumer advertising preferences, as well as the preference of sexual appeal advertising, and the impact of product purchase intention. In this study, One Way ANOVA, Two Ways ANOVA, and Linear Regression were used as the analysis methods. This study used an experimental questionnaire to explore the effect of different appeal advertisements on consumer advertising preferences and purchase intentions, with gender and the purpose of purchase as the interference factors. The results of the study are as follows: Comparing with non-sexual appeal advertisements, consumers are more like explicit-sexual appeal advertisements; Comparing with non-sexual appeal advertisements, consumers are more like implicit-sexual appeal advertisements; But Comparing the consumers’ preference for explicit-sexual appeal advertisements and implicit-sexual appeal advertisements, There are no obvious difference. Gender influences the relationship between advertising appeals to consumers. However, there is no effect on the relationship between explicit-sexual appeal and implicit-sexual appeal. Furthermore, Male consumers have more prefer the explicit-sexual appeal advertisements than non-sexual appeal advertisements, and also more prefer the implicit-sexual appeal advertisements than non-sexual appeal advertisements. Women’s preference for implicit-sexual appeal advertisements is higher than explicit-sexual appeal advertisements and non-sexual appeal advertisements. And preference for explicit-sexual appeals are higher than non-sexual appeal advertisements. The preferences for perfume’s sexual appeals ads on no matter male or female consumers with the purchase intentions, there is a positive relationship between them, and will not change because of the different gender. The relationship between sexual appeal ads’ preference and purchase intention for male, will change because of the different purchase intentions. Female consumers are not affected. The above research results proved that although the perfume’s sexual appeal advertisement will increase the consumer's advertising preference and purchase intention, the sexual appeal level of the advertisement has different perceptions due to different genders. if the sexual appeal of the perfume advertisement is too obvious, too over-exposed or over-emphasized the sexual part. it may affect the perception of female consumers on the advertisement and reduce the purchase intention. This study puts forward suggestions for practical and academia based on the results of this research and uses its suppliers to design more effective marketing strategies.


1. 江惠蘭,2003,不同性刺激形式所引發的性幻想程度對廣告效果之影響,國立中央大學博士論文。
2. 池沁芳,2008,香水的歷史,看中國VISION TIMES, https://www.secretchina.com/news/gb/2016/01/01/265516.html,搜尋日期:2017年10月27日。
3. 何京勝、鍾善美,1999,消費者的特徵與情境因素對商店選擇及商店印象的影響--以我國中、 西式速食店為例,農業金融論叢,42期,頁221~259.
