  • 學位論文


A Study of the Influences of Gender Factor on Customer’s Perception of Experiential Value in the Field of Experiential Marketing—The Example of Aromatherapy Industry

指導教授 : 黃哲盛


自2006年我國將芳療SPA服務納入重點發展的產業後,芳療SPA產業已為國內市場帶來莫大的商機。台灣的SPA產值目前已超過250億台幣,每年成長速度25%,預估未來一年有兩百億元的商機。接受芳療SPA服務已經是愈來愈普遍的消費行為,而哪些因素會影響顧客接受芳療SPA服務的體驗價值,是值得關切的議題。 本研究係以質性研究的方式,對十四位曾經接受過芳療SPA服務的顧客進行半結構式的深度訪談。目的在於探討顧客接受芳療SPA服務之動機,與顧客對於芳療SPA服務之體驗價值的認知,以及影響顧客體驗價值的因素,最後加入「性別」的因素,分析對於顧客體驗價值的影響。透過所得資料之歸結與分析,本研究得到以下之結論: 在芳療SPA產業中,除了過去學者所提到之各類服務接觸要素,如環境因素、服務人員態度等對於消費者體驗價值或滿意度有影響之外,性別與年齡差距之因素亦是一項重要的影響變數。依照顧客與芳療師之性別的不同與年齡的差異,所建構之分類組合,可能對於顧客之體驗價值產生不同的效果與影響。


Since the SPA service been subsumed one of the priority industries in our country in 2006, it brings the opportunities for the market. The output value of SPA service has at present surpassed 25 billion NT Dollars in Taiwan, and the rate of growth is 25 percend every year. It estimated that there will be 20 billion NT Dollars per year in the future. Accepting the SPA service is already a more and more universal consumer behavior. And which factors can affect the customer’s experiential value while accepting the SPA service is the important subject. In our paper, we will adopted the qualitative research in semi-structural in-depth interview to talk with 14 customers who accepted the SPA service to analyze the customer’s incentive to accept the SPA service, the customer’s perception of experiential value of accepting the SPA service, the factors of influencing the customer’s experiential value, and the influence of gender factor on Customer’s perception of experiential value. In conclusion, in aromatherapy industry, including many kinds of service encounter scholars submitted before, such as the servicescape and service personnel, the gender and age disparity was the important factors on influencing the experiential value. The different gender and age disparity of customer and aromatherapist influencing the customer`s experiential value while accepting the SPA service.


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