  • 學位論文


The Teaching Research Of Addition And Subtraction Of Fractions With Different Denominators For 5th Graders In The Elementary School

指導教授 : 吳裕振


摘要 本研究是探討在國小五年級異分母分數的加減單元裡融入分數錯誤類型的澄清教學對於學生的學習成效。研究樣本為桃園市中壢區某國小五年級學生,抽樣7個班,總人數為166人。依研究目的將班級分組-實驗組甲卷(忠仁信和)與對照組乙卷(孝愛義),實驗組係以教師在課程中融入分數錯誤類型的澄清教學,對照組則採一般正常教學。 首先分別依據甲卷、乙卷採用獨立樣本t檢定分析在教學前後,使用甲乙不同試卷顯示皆不影響學生在前測與後測的學習成效。其次扣除前測100分的學生後,有效樣本數為75人,採成對樣本t檢定分析可得知教師採用澄清教學時,學生前後測的學習成效達顯著差異,採用一般教學時,學生前後測的學習成效未達顯著差異,最後再透過獨立樣本t檢定比較兩種教學方式,由此分析結果為澄清教學的教學成效優於一般教學的成效。


Abstract The study aims to investigate 5th graders’ learning effects of addition and subtraction of fractions with unlike denominators applied into clarification teaching method of the types of errors for fractions. Seven classes in an elementary school in Zhongli District were randomly chosen as samples, with 166 participants in total. They were divided into two groups, experimental group with test A (4 classes) and control group with test B (3 classes). Teachers in experimental group used clarification teaching method of the types of errors for fraction in class while teachers in control group adopted normal method of teaching. First of all, the independent sample t-test with test A and test B before and after teaching was used and analyzed. The result revealed that test A and test B did not influence students’ learning effects in terms of pre-test and post-test. Second, the effective sample size was 75 students, except for those who got full scores in the pre-test. The pair sample t-test showed that students learned significantly better in terms of pre-test and post-test with teachers using clarification teaching method. And there is no significant difference between pre-test and post-test for students’ learning effects with normal teaching method. Finally, the independent sample t-test was used to compare the two teaching methods. The instructional effectiveness of clarification teaching method was better than the normal teaching method.


李國家、劉曼麗(2012)。探討國小五年級數學低成就學生在分數部分的迷思概念—以異分母分數的比較與加減為例。科學教育月刊 第354期,30-43。
