  • 學位論文


Unmanned Aerial Vehicle In Application Of Non Destructive Testing for Infrastructure Inspection

指導教授 : 郭鎮銘 蔡瑞益


現今全球極端氣候與工程品質的不穩定,造成基礎建築物的快速老化,因此定期檢查建物的損傷成為重要的課題,又加上多數國家勞動人口的高齡化,使得自動化之檢測更為重要。 目前傳統之建物檢測,為人員吊掛於建物外側以目視的方式進行,不但使檢測人員暴露於危險之中,且檢測判斷過於主觀。本研究搭配無人機應用於基礎建物的非接觸性檢測,提供一個安全、快速且簡便的解決方案。 透過參考市售無人機產品進行物理量的推導了解機體差異與特性,從拍攝地面圖飛行結果驗證物理量所推算的結果。實際透過拍攝建物後發現,僅使用無人飛機拍攝影像並無法將其利用到建築物建檢測上,還需要對影像進行正攝修正使影像呈現建物的原始狀態,有了正攝影、還需要對影像做量測。光影對影像的影響也是很重要的,由於影像中的損傷特徵不能清楚顯現會使檢測產生誤差因此也需要對光影變化進行影像處理。 針對以上所陳述的問題進行研究並加以解決,以達到落實無人機應用在基礎建物的非接觸性檢測。


Structure deterioration cause by aging sand plus extreme weather is the one of the major problem in developed country, at same time, aging of society makes the industry automation more important than anything else. State of the art inspection involve human inspector with aerial ladder to perform visual inspection, which is expensive, dangerous and low efficiency. This thesis focuses on providing a safe, fast and more efficient non-destructive infrastructure inspection by using unmanned aerial vehicles. X frame configuration is the most suitable for inspection mission was worked out through flight dynamic mathematical modeling and referencing different on market UAVs. Thus, using in house design fight model to program into modified commercial product to perform actual flight test and mapping mission to prove the flight dynamic modeling. In the later stage with real inspection mission that images captured by normal UAV cannot be used in inspection because each camera has its own lens distortion and orthophoto image cannot be guaranteed, and most importantly, image cannot be quantified, which is essential in engineering, therefore image processing become a must. Secondly, measurement though image means that measure what can be seem, however, image are largely effected by lighting condition, therefore, many damage can be easily skipped if one does not look carefully, thus, image enhancement is also another issue that need to be considered. This thesis also identifies above problems and provides suggestion and research structures for future researchers to complete unmanned system in application for non-destructive testing for infrastructure inspection.


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