  • 學位論文


Exploring Employability of the Tourism-Related Program Graduates: Perspective of Travel Agencies Management




The purpose of this paper is to discuss employability and skills requirements for tourism-related program graduates from graduate recruiter’s point of view. This paper aims to demonstrate the rationale for embedding employability and career development in the design of curricula and learning experiences within Taiwan tourism education. The paper is using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) approach to seek and evaluate the skills requirements for graduates via the views of the management of travel agencies. The paper finds that employers can identify skill requirement that relate to long-term employability and these skills can develop flexible, adaptable workers if the emphasis remains on education, not training. The learning outcomes are based on acquiring higher intellectual skills focused on particular roles in industry, rather than on the specific knowledge and understanding of selected tools that a person in that role might use. The paper gives suggestion of effective practices for embedding and adjusting the content of existing courses through the approach of Importance Performance Analysis to enhance the quality of tourism-related program graduates. This paper presents an approach to making employability the priority when developing a new degree scheme.


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