  • 學位論文


A Study of Policy Evaluation of Community Care Site: The Case of Taichung City

指導教授 : 廖俊松


論文名稱:社區照顧關懷據點之政策評估以台中市為例 校院系:國立暨南國際大學人文學院公共行政與政策學系      頁數:164 畢業時間:102年1月                     學位別:碩士 研究生:李嘉文 指導教授:廖俊松 摘要 台灣自1993年起,便邁入了高齡化社會,「社區照顧關懷據點」的推廣即是因應人口老化問題所提出的相關政策之一。本研究以政策評估理論為基礎,了解台中市社區照顧關懷據點政策執行現況,並以績效性、安定性、回應性三項指標,探討執行成效以及過程之缺失。 本研究採用問卷調查法及深入訪談法,並以台中市全數146個社區照顧關懷據點做為研究樣本進行普查,經過分析後,針對台中市社區照顧關懷據點實施計劃政策推行至今有以下發現: 一、在績效性評估指標中,受服務老人之生、心理健康以及據點服務人數成長性,皆表現的相當亮眼。 二、安定性評估指標中,社區認同、人力與財源的永續,也算表現不錯。 三、回應性評估指標中,三方互動、服務適切性、以及對政策的認同,也表現出應有的水準與成果。 故本研究認為台中市社區照顧關懷據點實施計劃政策,確實發揮出應有的效果,雖仍有進步、改善之空間,但確實是一個相當好、且應該持續推動與發展的良性政策。並期待本研究結果可供日後的政策制定與決策等過程做為參考的政策資訊,共同使社區照顧關懷據點政策更為完善。 關鍵字:政策評估;社區照顧關懷據點;建立社區照顧關懷據點實施計劃


Title of Thesis: A Study of Policy Evaluation of Community Care Site: The Case of Taichung City Name of Institute : Department of Public Policy and Administration,    Pages :164 College of Humanities, National Chi Nan University Graduation Time : 01/13                Degree Conferred : Master Student Name : Chia Wen,Lee            Advisor Name : Chun sung, Liao Abstract Taiwan is gradually becoming an aging society since 1993. To deal with the issue of aging population, the government issued the policy of promotion of setting community care site. The research is based on the policy evaluation theory to investigate the current state of policy implementation in Taichung .By using three different indicators including performance indicator, stability indicator and respond indicator which to analyzing the influence of policy also to determine whether there were any difficulty during the process of the policy. This study adopts questionnaire and in-depth interview as data collecting instruments. The questionnaire surveyed 145 community care sites in Taichung. The results of the study were as follows: 1. The finding of the performance indicator shows the policy is effective in improving the mental or physical condition of elderly people. 2. The resulting of the indicator of Stability shows the community identify, human resource and financial sustainability are all remarkable with the policy. 3. The finding of the indicator of respond shows government, counseling group and the community care site work successfully. The services are appropriate and suitable. They also support the policy. Overall the research of establishment of community caring site implementation plan in Taichung with the effective and positive outcome, even-though there are rooms for improvements and ameliorate. But relatively it is outstanding policy that should either be the model or with further development, so that it can be factors to consult in the future. Key word: policy evaluation;community care site;establishment of community caring center implementation plan


