  • 學位論文


They Study on the Policies of European Integration, and Cross-Border Mobility and Cooperation in Higher Education

指導教授 : 陳怡如


摘要 自50年代起,歐盟已懂得運用國際間的教育交流合作來促進歐洲經濟繁榮與打破隔離的疆界。隨著60年代人力資本論的興起,80年代資訊科技的發展,高等教育已成為培養具國際競爭力人才的搖籃。然而,歐洲人民面對世界不斷轉變的趨勢,逐漸感到歐洲傳統的價值觀已不符合時代所需。歐盟也體認到,經濟的整合並不必然帶來政治的整合,甚至歐洲人民的整合。歐盟的高等教育政策除了是歐盟發展經濟競爭力的媒介,還須肩負傳授歐洲人民足以在歐盟社會自由生活與工作的歐洲知識。因此,歐盟在80年代起,開啟了高等教育政策的一連串整合與改革,其目的不僅是要建立具吸引力的歐洲高等教育區,透過教育的合作與交流將歐洲共同的文化與價值帶給歐洲人民,形塑歐洲認同,讓歐盟整合之路加深加廣,更要打造歐洲成為世界一流的高等教育中心,並讓世人體認歐盟整合的決心與共識。 本研究係透過歷史回顧,佐以文件分析,探討歐盟高等教育合作交流政策在歐洲整合下的轉變與意義,並分析歐盟高等教育整合的動機,與高等教育合作交流計畫的成效。本文共計五章。第一章:論述本研究的動機、目的與研究方法,並解釋本研究的範圍與限制。第二章: 闡明歐盟整合的背景、高等教育政策的法源與整合沿革的發展。第三章: 探討歐盟高等教育合作交流的具體政策,包括Erasmus計畫、Erasmus Mundus計畫與Tempus計畫。第四章: 探討歐盟高等教育政策的特色、訴求,並針對高等教育合作交流計畫進行評析。第五章: 結論,闡述歐盟架構下的高等教育政策的轉變,並對歐盟東擴後的高等教育發展提出看法。


Abstract By utilizing the cross-boarder mobility and cooperation of education, European Union had promoted economy prosperous and broken national boundaries since the 50’s. Following of human capital boom of 60’s and IT development of 80’s, European higher education had become a means of creating competitive manpower. However, under the impact of globalizing trends, the traditional values couldn’t meet Europeans’ needs as usual. European Commission also realized that economic integration wouldn’t necessarily bring the political integration, not to mention the integration of Europeans. Higher education policies should not only pledge to transform the Union into the most competitive society in the world, but also make Europeans were suited to the challenges of living in the new century. Therefore, in order to build an attractive European higher education area, a series of innovation on higher education policies had been started in the 80’s. Through the cooperation and cross-border mobility of education, European Union brings common cultures and values to Europeans, and shapes the form of European identification. With the deepening of European integration, Commission unfolds to the universes for determination, and establishes a European higher education center at world-class level. In order to comprehend and analysis the policies of cross-border mobility and cooperation in higher education under European integration. The main sources of this thesis are mostly based on the documents, reports and papers of the EU, and exert the historical retracing. The thesis is divided into five chapters: 1. An introduction of motivation, objectives and research method of this study. 2. Reviewing the backgrounds for European integration and higher education policies. 3. An introduction of EU’s programs of cross-border mobility and cooperation in higher education. 4. An analysis of EU’s policies and programs of cross-border mobility and cooperation in higher education. 5. A dissertate and future of higher education policies under EU enlargement.


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