  • 學位論文


The Application of Strengths Perspective on the Promotion of Family Fuctions – An Example of High Risk Family Service Project of Changhua Life Association

指導教授 : 宋麗玉


本研究主要目的乃是在探討社工員如何操作使用優勢觀點模式,同時並檢視此一處遇理論能夠對家庭功能造成哪些影響、如何影響。本研究乃是以彰化縣生命縣協會為研究場域,研究對象則為生命縣協會內所有高風險家庭服務社工員,資料收集來源包括了社工員的深度訪談,以及個案記錄。 在優點原則的操作上發現以下結論: 1.原則一(個人有學習、成長和改變的能力):社工員嘗試將此原則內化為本身的信念,落實「因相信而看見,進而因看見而相信」的信念。 2.原則二(焦點在於個人優點而非病理):檢視案家生活當中的任何環境與細節,從日常生活當中去發掘各面向的優勢,從優勢之處做為處遇的開始。 3.原則三(案主是助人關係的指導者):以案家為主體來出發,以完成案家想望為最終目標。 4.原則四(助人關係被視為基本且必要):與案家建立關係的最重要的兩個要項,一為外展家訪,二為持續性的支持與關心。 5.原則五(外展是較佳的處遇方式):外展的地點與對象多元,能夠確實貼近案家的生活實境;此外社工員會外展資源單位,也就是外展有提供案家資源的單位,以增加資源提供的穩定性。 6.原則六(社區是資源的綠洲):生命線社工員會嘗試建構案家的社區資源網絡,包括連結鄰里資源、親屬朋友資源…,等等,甚至會協助認識社區內的居民。 7.優點評量工具(希望花田):透過希望花田的使用澄清案家想望,此外能夠增加案家的行動力。 在家庭功能的改變與影響上,家庭彈性最主要的改變是問題解決以及角色勝任能力獲得提升,使家庭的生活得以穩定;社工引導家庭成員看到彼此的優勢與努力,讓成員彼此更正向的看待彼此、相互體諒與關心,甚至給予讚賞;在家庭溝通的改變上是漸漸的比較願意去傾聽對方的聲音(不管是成人之間,或成人與兒少之間),家庭開始能夠相互討論解決問題的策略,試著去形成解決問題的共識。


The research aimed at exlploring how social workers apply the Strengths Perspective. Meanwhile, the influences of the Perspective on family functions were examined as well. The social workers of the high-risk family service program in Changhua Life Line Association were the targeted subjects. The researcher collected data from the in-depth interview to social workers and the case records of clients. Research findings were discussed. 1. People suffering from major mental illness can continue to learn, grow, and change: The social workers believe in “To see is to believe and vice versa.”, and put it into practice furthermore. 2. The focus of the intervention is on individual strengths rather than pathology: Social workers emphasize family strengths as the starting point of intervention. 3. Interventions are based on client self-determination: In order to construct the subjectivity of the family, their desires are the ultimate goal in the intervention process.。 4. The case manager-client relationship is primary and essential: Out-reach and constant supports are two critical strategies for social workers to build up the relationship with the family. 5. Aggressive outreach is the preferred mode of intervention: Social workers utilise various and creative out-reach strategies to approach the family as closely as possible. Frequent visits to other social welfare agencies result in the stablisation of social resources. 6. The community is viewed as an oasis of resources: The social workers endeavour to establish the resource network of the family, including relatives, friends and the neighbourhood. 7. The Strengths Assessment has been used to clarify family desires so as to promote the possibility of changing. The family functions are geared by using the Strengths Prespective. According to family flexibility, the promotion of problem-solving ability and role competency makes the family life much more stable. Regarding family cohesion, family members can positively treat each other. Concerning family communication, the members are willing to listen to the others. They attempt to reach the consensus of problem-solving through communication.


內政部兒童局(2007)。高風險家庭評估表。Web adderss: http://www.cbi.gov.tw/chinese_version/2/displayContentList.do?method=displayContentList&subMenuLinkNo=20568&menuName=兒少保護類&menuLinkNo=4&publishWeb=1&publishVersion=1&displayType=2&targetNo=1&info=檔案下載區
內政部統計處(2007)。內政統計年報—兒童少年保護概況。Web address:http://www.moi.gov.tw/stat/index.asp
