  • 學位論文


The Dynamic Evolution of Rubber Sponge Industry:From the Perspective of Network

指導教授 : 林欣美
共同指導教授 : 陳靜怡


在產業競爭的環境中,整個產業鏈既是競爭對手,也是互為依賴,專業分工的合作夥伴,更是錯綜複雜的網絡關係。以短期而言,產業競爭似乎是短暫平衡。但對長期而言,產業網絡是動態演化的。「1950-1980 年」是台灣傳統產業的輝煌時期,曾是台灣的經濟主流年代。在此之後,傳統產業漸漸式微。直到進入21 世紀之後,傳統產業才漸漸擺脫舊思維,並且結合創新,增加產品的附加價值、獨特性和差異化,以期再造另一次的輝煌時期。 本研究是以傳統橡膠發泡產業(rubber sponge)為研究對象,從網絡的觀點分析該產業的網絡動態演化。藉著Koka et al.(2006)的網絡模型,劉柏余(2009)專利引證及何岳峯(2010)對TFT-LCD 產業創新動態的研究結果為基礎,並且透過專家訪談,實證橡膠發泡產業動態網絡的順序與特徵,並且分析橡膠發泡產業與科技業之網絡的演化及特徵有何不同之處。 世界在變,產業所面臨的環境也天天在變,產業不能只等待奇蹟降臨,因此本研究藉著網絡的動態分析,根據Koka et al.(2006)影響產業網絡動態的兩項因素「不確定因素」和「資源豐裕度」,及「連結產生」、「連結刪除」、「產業規模」、「廠商異質性變化」等特徵,再加上「凝聚力」與「結構同位」的互動效果,實證分析結果以提供橡膠發泡產業決策者了解產業所處的網絡位置。決策者可從網絡特徵中獲悉如何降低產業的不確定因素,及增加產業資源豐裕度。藉此提供產業未來發展之參考。


Facing a competitive environment the industries in Taiwan, have both competitors and mutually dependent partners. It is an intricate network of relationships of every industry. In the short term, industry competition seems to be short-lived balance. But for the long term, the industry is a dynamic network evolution. "1950-1980" is a glorious period of traditional industries in Taiwan, and it was the era of Taiwan's economic mainstream. After that time, the traditional industries deciined gradually. After entering the 21st century, it gradually get rid of the old traditional industries thinking, and combines innovation, increases the added value of products, uniqueness and differentiation, thus to achieve another brilliant period. This study is based on traditional rubber sponge, from the point of view of the network to analyze network dynamic evolution of the industry. By adopting Koka et al. (2006)'s network model, similar to Pai -Yu Liu (2009)'s and Yueh-Feng Ho (2010)'s research focusing on the TFT-LCD industry and through interviews with experts, my empirical evidence from rubber sponge industry analyzes the evolution and characteristics of the network dynamics. The rubber sponge industry is facing a changing environment everyday. According to Koka et al. (2006), two factors 'uncertainty' and 'munificence', affect industrial network dynamics. The network dynamics varies accrording to'tie creation','tie deletion', 'industrial scale'and'variations in manufacturers' as well as the interactive effect of'cohesion' and 'the structural equivalence ', The empirical results provide evidence for decision makers of rubber sponge industry to understand the network position of the industry. Decision-makers are informed as how to reduce the uncertainties of the industry, and how to increase industrial resources abundances from the network characteristics. It also provide reference for future development of the industry.


