  • 學位論文

家庭社經因素對八年級學生數學學業成就影響之研究:以TIMSS 2003資料為例

A Study of the Influences of Parental Socioeconomic Status on 8th Graders Mathematics Achievement: Using TIMSS 2003 Data

指導教授 : 江芳盛


本研究旨在探討家庭社經因素對於學生學業成就的影響,針對國際教育成就調查委員會所舉辦的TIMSS 2003資料庫中參與八年級學生數學測驗的學生問卷資料與數學測驗成績進行分析討論,以了解家庭社經因素對學生數學學業成就的影響情形;並考慮國民所得毛額對國家數學學業表現的影響。參與TIMSS 2003八年級學生施測的國家或地區有47個,本研究依國民所得毛額選取最高和最低各10個國家,進行不同國家之間影響國家數學成就表現因素的探討、以及同一國家內對於學生數學成績的家庭社經因素之探討。 本研究獲得的結論為: 一、提高國家的國民所得毛額可以提升國家學生數學學業成就表現。 二、「家中藏書量」、「家中相關設施」與「父母最高學歷」對學生數學學業成就有顯 著的正相關。 三、「語言」因素(家中使用測驗語言頻率),受到各國人民組成、文化宗教等干擾, 而對於學生數學學業成就的影響未達顯著相關。 最後提出下列建議: 一、世界富有國家對經濟弱勢國家應提供各方面必要協助,提高其國民所得水準。 二、政府應加強社會教育,提升家庭教育功能。 三、政府應推動成人教育或再教育,提升父母教育程度。 關鍵詞:家庭社經因素、TIMSS 2003、數學學業成就


This research focuses on the family socioeconomic influence on students’ academic performance. Based on the TIMSS 2003 Data of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), I made an analysis of the questionnaires and the mathematic academic achievements of 8th graders involved in order to examine the family socioeconomic influence on the students’ math performance. The influence of Gross National Income per Capita on national math performance is taken into consideration during the research process. The number of the countries and areas involved in the TIMSS 2003 is 47. This research covers ten countries of the highest Cross National Income per Capita and ten countries of the lowest respectively in order to conclude the factors that influence the mathematic academic achievement in different countries and to examine the socioeconomic factors of students’ math performance in a certain country. The conclusions are followed: 1. The raise of Gross National Income per Capita can be beneficial to students’ math performance. 2. The factors of volume of books at home, family educational resources and the highest education of parents are related to the students’ mathematic academic achievement. 3. The factor of language (the use of target language at home) is not related to students’ mathematic academic achievement due to the influence of the composition of people, cultures and religions. The following suggestions are offered: 1. The wealthy countries should offer assistance for those economically-disadvantaged countries to raise Gross National Income per Capita of the latter. 2. The government should strengthen social education to boost family education. 3. The government should promote adult education and recurrent education to upgrade the education of parents. Keywords:family socioeconomic status (SES); TIMSS 2003; mathematics achievement




