  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Learning Adjustment and Academic Achievement for Art Classes Students in Junior High School in Tainan City

指導教授 : 胡夢鯨


本研究旨在探討臺南市國中美術藝術才能班學習適應與學習成就之現況,並了解不同背景的國中美術班學生的差異情形,更進一步探討兩者之相關性,最後歸納研究結果,提出具體建議,期盼能提供教育行政單位、學校、家長及未來研究者之參考。 本研究是以臺南市國中美術班學生為主要研究對象,採取問卷調查法,以「學習適應量表-增訂版」及自編之「學習成就自我覺知調查表」為研究工具,採全面普查方式,調查對象為臺南市5所國中有美術班的學校,共計回收有效問卷434份,續以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關等統計方法進行資料分析,獲得以下結果: 一、臺南市國中美術藝術才能班整體學習適應之表現,對照「學習適應量表」百分位數常模七年級,其百分等級達51%,其分量表之表現以「學習環境」最高,百分等級達67%,而「學習態度」的表現最低,百分等級達45%。 二、臺南市國中美術藝術才能班學習成就之表現,在學科表現方面,以「公民科」的 表現最好,其次是「英語科」。在術科方面,表現最好的是「素描」,其次是「水彩」。在學習滿意度方面,在學科方面,以「英語科」的滿意度最高,術科方面以「素描」的滿意度最高。 三、臺南市國中美術藝術才能班之不同背景變項在學習適應方面的差異情形,在性別方面,「女學生」的適應情形明顯較「男學生」好;在年級方面,適應情形不會因為年級的不同而有所不同;在社經地位方面,「高社經地位及中社經地位」適應情形較「低社經地位」學生好。是否畢業於國小美術班,不會影響國中美術班的學習適應。未來是否就讀高中美術班之適應情形「無意願」及「尚未決定」高於「有意願」。 四、臺南市國中美術藝術才能班之不同背景變項在學習成就方面的差異情形,在性別方面,書法、國文科、英語科、地理科、公民科「女學生」高於「男學生」;在年級方面,水墨、英語科、歷史科、公民科皆達顯著差異;在社經地位方面,「高社經地位及中社經地位」顯著高於「低社經地位」。是否畢業於國小美術班之學習成就:「有就讀」國小美術班明顯高於「沒有就讀」國小美術班。未來是否就讀高中 美術班之學習成就:術科-「有意願」就讀高於「無意願及尚未決定」,學科-「無意願及尚未決定」就讀高於「有意願」就讀。 五、臺南市國中美術藝術才能班在學習適應與學習成就之相關性:學習適應越好則學習成就越高,學習成就越好則學習滿意度越高。 最後,根據研究結論提出具體建議,以供教育主管機關、學校單位、家長之參考 ,建議如下: 一、學校方面 (一)積極輔導男學生進入美術班之正確性別平等觀念 (二)輔導處應針對美術班之男學生及適應不良的孩子介入輔導 (三)應多關心美術班學習成就不佳的孩子,教師給予個別指導或改變教學方式 (四)應及早了解學生之與趣及意願取向,以便做為學生升學的考量 二、家庭方面 (一)多關心孩子的學習適應及學習成就狀況,多與教師溝通 (二)多參加學校舉辦之班親會及升學說明會 (三)別給孩子太大壓力,以鼓勵代替責備 (四)建立共同學習成長的途徑 三、政府政策方面 (一)政府相關單位應加強每位教師之專業及輔導知能 (二)政府相關單位應多關心並主動介入輔導低社經地位之家庭 (三)針對美術班設計一份量表,以了解學生之學習適應情形 (四)建立國中美術班之專屬補救教學及溝通分享之平台 (五)十二年國教之宣導應深入小學階段


The purpose of the study was to investigate the current condition and relationship between learning adaption and academic achievement for art classes students in junior high school in Tainan City and how they are different with environment and background variables. The art class students in the junior high school in Tainan City were the matrix. Questionnaire survey was capitalized on. A all-around survey was applied by means of the questionnaire made by the researcher and Huangs.434 pieces of questionnaire were effective among the 442 pieces issued to 5 junior high schools. Descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Person’s product-moment correlation were utilized to analyze the data and to draw the conclusions as the following: 1.“All the learning adjustment” scored for art classes students in junior high in Tainan City is more than 51 percentile rank. “learning environment” is more than 67 percentile rank, scored the highest. “learning attitude” is more than 45 percentile rank, scored the Lowest. 2.The subject do the best in “academic achievement” for art classes students in junior high school in Tainan City is “National” ,the second is “English”. The subject in technology do the best is “sketch”, the second is “watercolor”. The subject scored the highest is “English”, in “learning satisfaction” the subject in drawing scored, the highest is “sketch” in “learning satisfaction”. 3.The different background variables in “learning adjustment” for art classes students in junior high school in Tainan City. In sex , “female” is better than “male”, in “age”,there is no difference. In social status, the high status and middle status are better than low status. It does not effect learning adjustment if students study in art class when in elementary school. In future, ”not interested” and “not decide” learn art classes in senior high school, “learning adjustment” are better than “decide”. 4.The different background variables in “academic achievement” for art classes students in junior high school in Tainan City. Some subjects,“the female” is better than “the male”. In age, they are significant difference was found in “Ink”, “English”, “History”, “National”. In social status, the high status and middle status are better than low status. Students studied in art classes , “academic achievement” are better than not from primary art classes. In future, ”not interested” and “not decide” learn art classes in senior high school, are better than “decide” in general subject, and it is in contrast in drawing subject. 5.The relation in “learning adjustment and “academic achievement”, when “learning adjustment” is good ,“academic achievement” is good too, when “academic achievement” is good, the “learning satisfaction” is good too. Finally, from the above findings and conclusions, some suggestions can be made as reference for educational administrative institutions, school administration, family. In school: 1.Teach male students correct values in sex equality. 2.Students in art class, the male student and bad adjustment kids must need teachers to talk. 3.Bad academic achievement in art class must be interests, the teacher must teach them with different methods or teach them individually method. 4.Realizing student’s hobbies and give them advice for future. In family: 1.Childern must be interested in “learning adjustment and “academic achievement”, the parents must communicate with teachers. 2. The parents must join open house and conference about entering senior high school. 3.Do not give children pressure too much, encourage them. 4.Set up the way to learn together. In government policy: 1.The government must reinforce the students. 2. The government must take care of low social status. 3.Deciding a test for learning adjustment for art classes only to realize the student’s learning adjustment. 4.Building professional remedial instruction website for art classes. 5.The 12year’s national education must extend to elementary school.


