  • 學位論文


Soft Power of Non-Profit Organizations– A Case Study of John Tung Foundation in the Promotion for the “Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act”.

指導教授 : 陳嫈郁


本研究係從國際關係對於「軟性權力」(soft power)論述概念,推論引用至非營利組織層次。以董氏基金會參與推動「菸害防制法」為例,探究台灣國家機關與民間社會關係的權力結構變化,發掘非營利組織如何積累自身軟性權力根源,並且運用「價值觀」、「文化」、「議題網絡」與「制度認同感」四種觀察類型,進而發揮對於公共政策的影響效果。 本研究為質性研究性質,採取「個案研究法」、「文獻討論」及「深度訪談法」三種研究方法。藉由董氏為個案研究的焦點,將其投入近25年菸害防制工作的歷程,劃分為「1984-2000年」與「2000-2008年」兩個不同時序進行個案內比較研究。並以各類國內外學術專書、期刊、政府機關出版品、學位論文與報章雜誌等次級資料分析,檢驗董氏對於推動菸害防制工作影響力道的強弱。且調查在「菸害防制法」進行過程中,參與其中的重點人物及進行深度訪談,還原當時未能參與的時空環境,並補強次級資料佐證不足之處。 隨著對於權力概念的不斷演進,傳統以有形體為主的「硬性權力」已逐漸受到挑戰,取而興起的是對於無形體「軟性權力」的討論。且在傳統國家機關與民間社會權力結構關係的轉變,公民社會中的非營利組織逐漸積累自身軟性權力根源,並且發揮在於公共政策的影響力。身為台灣最早投入菸害防制理念宣傳的非營利組織,董氏在其發揮「軟性權力」影響效果以其一定代表性。藉由兩個不同時序的比較分析,了解台灣非營利組織如何運用軟性權力的模式發揮影響力,並一窺台灣國家機關與民間社會互動的演進過程,非營利組織在於公共政策領域日益重要的地位。


This thesis amis to study the non-profit organizations in Taiwan based on the conception of ‘soft power’ posited by Nye that generally used in investigating the international relations. The originality of this thesis falls on the utilizing and conceptionalizing ‘soft power’ domestically. This purpose was approached by exploring the changing and dynamic relations between the state and society in case of John Tung Foundation in the Promotion for the “Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act”. This thesis unfolds by discussing how the non-profit organizations accumulate soft power resources of four kinds and then how them making use of them into decison-making process of public policy. Following these theoretical lines of reasoning, this study adopts three research methods includes "case study method", "literature discussion" and "interview" to verify the hypothesis. By analyzing all kinds of publications, dissertations, newspapers, magazines, and secondary data for verifying the affects of John Dong’s soft power. Besides, interview of key persons also support to provide the lopsided informational that seldom revealed before. The traditional materials-based on "hard power" approach was challenged and argued by non-materials "soft power" one in this thesis. By comparation of two different time series of John Tung’s development and trajectory, this thesis provides a compressive understanding of how non-profit organizations utilizing soft power to influence the decision making process of public policy in Taiwan.


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