  • 學位論文

「青天白日照古城」: 戰前中國國民黨在馬六甲的活動及其影響(1907-1941)

The Movement and Influence of Kuomintang in Malacca,1907-1941

指導教授 : 李盈慧


馬六甲是馬來西亞華人社會的發軔地。自明代以來,馬六甲即與中國有官方上的交流,不少華人透過各種的管道從中國移入,憑藉個人努力與馬六甲得天獨厚之資源、地理位置而經商致富,並逐漸形成一個「在地化」的華人社會。直到國民黨的勢力進入馬六甲,整個華人社會風氣和精神面貌方有所改變。今日在馬六甲三寶山抗日紀念碑上之「青天白日」標誌,足以記錄了國民黨對馬六甲華人社會影響。至於其在馬六甲的發展歷程如何,影響哪方面,是一個值得探究的問題。 本文第一部份旨在探討「馬六甲早期的華人社會」,以馬六甲華人社會的形成為中心而展開課題研究,並在議論中探究馬六甲華人傳統社會組織(地緣性)的運作,以及馬六甲華人在辛亥革命時期對民族革命的認同程度,作一番探析。第二部份則旨在探討「中國國民黨在馬六甲的崛起及發展」,試圖從歷史角度,分別論述馬六甲中國國民黨組織在各個時期的演變及其特徵。因此,特將中國國民黨在馬六甲的發展分成三個時期:一、早期的發展(1907-1928);二、南京國民政府時期(1928-1937);三、抗日戰爭時期(1937-1941)。這三個時期在國民黨黨史上均有重大意義,而馬六甲國民黨在黨中央的政策與當地社會環境的各種因素影響下,深具獨特的發展模式。第三部份則是探究中國國民黨勢力對馬六甲華文教育的影響,故特選取培風學校作為研究個案,說明國民黨的黨化教育對馬六甲華文教育的整體建設。 綜觀而言,國民黨在馬六甲華人社會進行的各項活動,對今日的馬六甲華人社會具有一定的影響力,尤其是在教育與文化方面的建設,有其獨特的歷史價值與意義。


Malacca is the cradle of Chinese community in Malaysia. During the Ming Dynasty ruled China, Malacca officially submitted itself as a protectorate of the Ming Dynasty, and the friendly diplomatic relations between China and Malacca had culminated. At that time, different ways to obtain by early Chinese immigrants from China who migrated to Malacca, the route to getting rich by virtue of great individual efforts, unique natural resources and geographical regions, the Chinese community in Malacca gradually became increasingly localized. Since the Kuomintang branches had been formed in Malacca, social and spirituality of the local Chinese had changed. Today, Malacca anti-Japanese heroes monument was erected and engraved “Blue Sky with a White Sun”, the emblem of the Kuomintang, become a part of the history with records on Kuomintang has stronger influence within the Malacca Chinese community. As for how the development process, what are aspects and impacts of the Kuomintang movement in Malacca, this question are worth exploring. This thesis is divided into three main parts. The first part of this thesis is set to investigate “the history of Malacca’s early Chinese community”, to get started with Malacca’s Chinese as research subjects, exploring the operation within the framework of traditional social organization (geo-organization) in a local Chinese society, and analyze reactions of Malacca Chinese to the 1911 Revolution. In the second part of the thesis focuses on “the rise and development of the Kuomintang in Malacca”, which discuss the evolution and characteristics of the Kuomintang Movement in Malacca. The objective of this review is to investigate from a historical perspective. Therefore, the Kuomintang Movement in Malacca can be divided into three periods: 1) Early development of Kuomintang in Malacca, 1907-1928. 2) The period of Nanjing national government, 1928-1937. 3) Kuomintang movement in Malacca during the Sino-Japanese War period, 1937-1945. These three periods had great significance in the history of the Malacca branch, this was in line with the impact that the policy of the Kuomintang Central Committee, local social and environmental. However, most of these factors that influence have been unique model of organizational development. In the third part of the thesis focus lies on the impact of the Kuomintang. It set forth what affect did the Kuomintang Movement had on Chinese education in Malacca. Therefore, this part of the thesis is to select Pay Fong School as a case study research. In conclusion, the activities of the Kuomintang has a strong influence in Chinese society Malacca today, especially for educational and cultural construction, has its unique historical value and significance.


