  • 學位論文


The Rank-and-file Police Officers' Role Conflict, Job Pressure, and Social Movement Perception at Sunflower Movement

指導教授 : 董娟娟


2014年3月20日,蘋果日報的新聞內容如下:「極具爭議的服貿協議,挑起民眾敏感神經,上百名學生前晚攻進立法院,締造台灣史上國會議場首度遭學生佔領的事件……」太陽花學運,2014年3月18日由臺灣大學生與公民共同發起的占領立法院集體行動,起因於國民黨籍立委張慶忠30秒通過《海峽兩岸服務貿易協議》,引發學生及民眾抗議,稍晚衝入立法院內靜坐抗議,並於晚間21時突破警方封鎖線佔領立法院。之後警政署大動作從全臺調動警力到場支援維護秩序,並與學生多次發生肢體衝突。本研究希望藉由發現基層警察不同身分別及有無支援社會運動對角色衝突、工作壓力及對社會運動態度上的影響,能更了解其角色衝突、工作壓力的來源及對社會運動的看法,並期望研究結果可作為其他學術研究或警界管理實務上的參考。 本研究為量化研究,以信度良好的問卷作為研究工具,以全臺北中南的基層警察為研究對象,在社群網站以警察為主體的社團進行問卷網址的發送,共蒐集427份問卷,經整理後有效問卷為418份,有效問卷回收率為97.8%。本研究資料分析使用描述性統計及相關分析。根據本研究目的及結果發現,假設一、二及三在有無支援太陽花學運的基層警察對角色衝突、工作壓力及對社會運動的看法上沒有影響故不成立。但其他基本資料(性別、年齡、年資、居住地及婚姻狀況則會影響基層警察對角色衝突、工作壓力及對社會運動的看法。 最後本研究建議警政單位:(1)正視角色衝突、工作壓力對基層警察的影響;(2)加強宣導警民合作及警民配合;(3)開設定期壓力疏導課程。對基層警察建議:(1)適度調整時間分配及壓力管理;(2)定期檢視身體生心理狀況;(3)培養興趣及建立良好關係。藉此提升警察就業環境品質,降低基層警察角色衝突及工作壓力。


On 20 March 2014, Apple Daily’s news follows: “because the cross-strait trade agreement is highly controversial, hundreds of protesting students stormed the legislature last night. It is a first time that Taiwan’s legislature was occupied by students……”Sunflower Movement, the action by students and citizen to occupied Taiwan’s legislature on 18 March 2014 , due to the KMT Legislator , Ching-Chung Chang, who was to through the " cross-strait service trade agreement "in 30 seconds. This movement was stimulated by students and citizen to protest. Later, the students and citizen stormed into the legislature. At 21:00, they broke the police officer’s cordon and occupied legislature. After, NPA started to police deploying from other counties. The students and citizen had more physical conflicts with police officers. Therefore, the proposes of the study was to find that the police officers’ identity and the police officers’ who attend this action or not will influence their role conflict, job pressure, and social movement perception to realizing their role conflict, job pressure, and social movement perception. And I hope that this study can be a reference to other academic research in future and the management of police circles. The research method of the study was quantitative. The research tool was a good validity. The research objectives were the rank-and-file police officers in Taiwan and the research conducted the survey by posting on the groups which are composed of police officers at community website. The researcher totally received 418 valid questionnaires and analysis the data by conducting descriptive and correlation analysis. The results of the study were: supposed I &II& III: the police officers whoever they attend this action or not hasn't much impact with their role conflict, job pressure, and social movement perception. But other basic information (gender, age, seniority, place of residence, and marital status) were to influence their role conflict, job pressure, and social movement perception. Finally, the researcher suggests that the police department managers should (1) face to the influence by the role conflict and job pressure to the rank-and-file police officers; (2) advocacy concept of citizen’s and police’s collaboration; (3) provide more relieve stress activities. And the rank-and-file police officers need (1) time sharing and stress management in moderation; (2) should be a routine health exam; (3) cultivate interests and build a good relationship. Hope that this suggestion can promote quality at police’s workplace, and reduce the rank-and-file police officers’ role conflict and job pressure.


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Sarah Van Gelder(2012)《YES!》雜誌合編。我抗議:占領華爾街,改變一切。睿容譯。臺北市:廣場出版。
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