  • 學位論文


A Study on Older Adult Learners’ Use Behavior of Mobile Devices Based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology

指導教授 : 賴弘基


本研究的目的旨在探討以整合性科技接受模式探討高齡學習者使用行動裝置行為之關係。本研究之研究目的有五:(一)了解高齡學習者在使用行動裝置行為的情形。(二)探討不同背景變項高齡學習者在績效期望、努力期望、社會影響、行為意圖、使用行為的差異情形。(三)探討高齡學習者使用行動裝置行為之績效期望、努力期望、社會影響對行為意圖產生之影響。(四)探討高齡學習者使用行動裝置行為之促成因素對使用行為產生之影響。(五)探討高齡學習者使用行動裝置行為之行為意圖對使用行為之影響。研究工具為蒐集並以UTAUT理論之相關文獻,實際參與和了解參與樂齡中心課程的高齡學習者使用行動裝置行為之情形,作為問卷編製依據。問卷內容共計兩個部分,分別為「個人基本資料」與「臺中市樂齡學習中心參與樂齡中心課程高齡學習者使用行動裝置行為之UTAUT構面量表」。研究對象為臺中市六個地區樂齡學習中心(分別有臺中市樂齡學習示範中心、臺中市大甲區樂齡學習中心、臺中市東區樂齡學習中心、臺中市龍井區樂齡學習中心、臺中市中區樂齡學習中心、臺中市太平區樂齡學習中心)參與樂齡中心課程55歲以上高齡學習者。實際回收有效問卷為306份,有效回收率為95.62%。將所得問卷資料進行統計軟體PASW Statistics 18.0版,進行百分比、平均值、標準差、t檢定、單因子變異數分析及薛費氏事後比較法等統計分析,再用偏最小平方法PLS進行路徑分析。 資料分析結果歸納之結論如以下八點: 一、在性別變項方面,不同性別的受訪者在「績效期望」、「社會影響」、「促成因素」、「行為意圖」之構面皆達顯著差異。 二、在年齡變項方面,不同年齡的受訪者在「行為意圖」與「使用行為」構面達顯著差異。 三、在學歷變項方面,不同學歷的受訪者在「績效期望」與「行為意圖」之構面達顯著差異。 四、在職業類別變項方面,已退休、尚未退休或其他者(尚有擔任志工或兼職工作者)在UTAUT各構面(績效期望、努力期望、社會影響、促成因素、行為意圖、使用行為)均無達顯著差異。 五、在使用經驗、使用頻率、使用意願變項方面,使用行動裝置行為在UTAUT各構面(績效期望、努力期望、社會影響、促成因素、行為意圖、使用行為)均達顯著差異。 六、績效期望會顯著影響高齡學習者使用行動裝置之行為意圖。 七、努力期望會顯著影響高齡學習者使用行動裝置之行為意圖。 八、社會影響會顯著影響高齡學習者使用行動裝置之行為意圖。 九、促成因素會顯著影響高齡學習者使用行動裝置之使用行為。 十、行為意圖會顯著影響高齡學習者使用行動裝置之使用行為。 本研究根據上述結論,提出具體建議,作為日後課程規劃、教學、研究、推廣樂齡學員與高齡者使用行動裝置等之依據。


This study aims to investigate older adult learners’ use behavior toward mobile devices by applying the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). There are five goals of the study: first, to explore how older adult learners use mobile devices; second, to explore the differences in performance expectation, effort expectancy, social influence, behavior intention and use behavior of older adult learners of different background variables; third, to explore the influences of performance expectation, effort expectancy and social influence in the behavior intention of older adult learners’ use of mobile devices; fourth, to explore the influences of facilitating conditions in the mobile devices use behavior of older adult learners; fifth, to explore the influences of behavior intention in the use behavior of older adult learners’ use of mobile devices. The research methods include collecting and exploring documents relevant to UTAUT, investigating the older adult learners’ use behaviors of mobile devices by actually participating the courses of some older adult learning centers, and then compiling the questionnaire according to the investigation. The questionnaire contains two parts: personal information and the UTAUT dimension scores of the older adult learners’ use behavior toward mobile devices in the courses of active aging learning centers of Taichung City. The objects of study are the older adult learners above 55 years old in the active aging learning centers of six districts in Taichung City, which are the Older Adult Learning Demonstration Center of Taichung City, the Active Aging Learning Center of Dajia District, the Active Aging Learning Center of East District, the Active Aging Learning Center of Longjing District, the Active Aging Learning Center of Central District, the Active Aging Learning Center of Taiping District. The amount of actual valid questionnaires retrieved is 306. The vaild response rate is 95.62%. The data of the questionnaires retrieved were analyzed through PASW Statistics 18.0 version from the aspects of percentage, average value, standard deviation, t test, one-way ANOVA and Scheffe's post test, and then underwent path analysis with PLS. The conclusion induced from the results of the data analysis contains ten features, 1. In the aspect of gender variable, respondents of different genders have significant differences in the dimensions of “benefit expectation,” “social impact,” “facilitating conditions,” and “behavior intention.” 2. In the aspect of age variable, respondents of different ages have significant differences in the dimensions of “behavior intention’ and “use behavior.” 3. In the aspect of education variable, respondents of different educations have significant differences in the dimensions of “performance expectation” and “behavior intention.” 4. In the aspect of occupation variable, respondents of retiree, non-retiree or other occupations (volunteers or part-time jobs) do not have significant differences in all the dimensions of UTAUT (that is, performance expectation, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, behavior intention and use behavior). 5. In the aspects of use experience, use frequency, use intention variables, the use of mobile devices does not have significant differences in all the dimensions of UTAUT. 6. Performance expectation has significant influences in behavior intention of older adult learners’ use of mobile devices. 7. Effort expectancy has significant influences in behavior intention of older adult learners’ use of mobile devices. 8. Social influence has significant influences in behavior intention of older adult learners’ use of mobile devices. 9. Facilitating conditions has significant influences on use behavior of older adult learners’ use of mobile devices. 10. Behavior intention has significant influences on use behavior of older adult learners’ use of mobile devices. According to the conclusion above, this research proposes practical measures as references for future planning, teaching method, research and promotion of older adult learning projects as well as older adult learners’ use of mobile devices.


Fishbein, M., & Ajzen, I. (1975). Belief, attitude, intention, and behavior: An introduction to theory and research. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
