  • 學位論文


The Evolution and Challenges of PRC’s National Security Policy (1949~2006)

指導教授 : 吳若予


本論文主要目的在於研究中國國家安全政策的演變與挑戰,研究的時間範圍,始於中共1949年建政,迄於2006年。全文從政治經濟學的視角,分別對中共四代領導人之國家安全政策,從國際與國內層面探討其所面臨的環境與挑戰,並個別對其所提出之國家安全政策加以分析,以期對中國國家安全政策能有全面的了解。 以毛澤東時期而言,在美蘇兩極國際體系的對抗態勢下,為確保中國的國家安全,毛澤東認為對內需以工業化建設及強國富民的目標作為國家的發展方針;對外以對蘇聯的「一面倒」政策作為因應世界變局並爭取外援的方式。然而,隨著中蘇共的分裂以及文化大革命的產生,雖然對內強國富民的目標沒變,但對外則開始改採和平外交路線。 以鄧小平時期而言,鄧小平藉由採取改革開放的經濟政策,全面發展中國的綜合國力。同時,鄧小平在規劃國家安全戰略時提出了「軍事、經濟、外交三者結合發展」的總體戰略,並提出「面向現代化、面向世界、面向未來」三個面向的戰略方針。此外,雖然鄧小平時期冷戰業已結束,但國際環境並未隨之穩定發展,也因而使鄧小平在國家安全政策的規劃上特別強調「和平與發展」。 以江澤民時期而言,面對冷戰後的多極國際體系,中國體認到美國的超強地位短期內難以動搖,但可藉由發展大國外交,以多極制衡力量牽制美國,此外中共亦需要一個更穩定的國際環境,以謀求國力的再增強。因此,江澤民時期的國家安全政策,對外尋求穩定的國際與周邊環境,對內則是三個代表的提出與建立小康社會。 以胡錦濤時期而言,胡錦濤在政策上延續江澤民的路線,對內以穩定為前提,繼續強調穩定重於一切;對外則以安全為要務,強調和諧共存的國際安全觀,同時並積極強化大國外交、推動睦鄰外交與參與國際組織,藉以淡化中國崛起對其他國家的威脅感。 回顧中國國家安全的演變與挑戰,可以發現中國從傳統重視軍事、意識型態及外交以維護本土安全,轉變為維護中共世界性發展權的概念,強調政治、經濟、社會等綜合安全,並提出「新安全觀」作為國家安全戰略與外交政策的基調。從政治經濟學的角度觀之,可看出中國由最初稀少的秉賦擁有,且僅能求取國家的基本生存,不斷的經由經濟的強大,以提升其綜合國力,並逐漸崛起成為世界主要強權之一。對我國而言,除注意其對我國可能帶來的影響之外,亦有值得我國深思及學習之處。


經濟學 領導人 世界性 政治 內需


The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze the evolution and challenges of PRC’s national security policy from 1949 to 2006. In order to have a comprehensive understanding, the author analyzes the four generational leaders’ national security policy separately, and discusses not only the international but also the domestic environments and challenges which PRC faced from the political economic perspective. In the Mao Zedong era, in order to ensure the national security of China under the confrontation between the U.S. and U.S.S.R., Mao took the improvement of industrial development and the goal of a powerful and rich country as the guideline in the domestic arena, and to lean on one-side [Soviet] completely to gain the foreign aid from Soviet. With the competition for influence over Communist nations with the Soviet and the Cultural Revolution, China maintained the goal of a powerful and rich country domestically, but changed its foreign policy into the “Peaceful Diplomacy” . In the Deng Xiaoping era, Deng took the reform and opening economic policy to improve China’s comprehensive national power. Deng formulated the national security strategy with a combinative total development of military, economy and diplomacy. Deng also proposed the guideline which is to face the needs of the country’s future, the needs of modernization, and the world. Besides, in the post cold war era, Deng especially emphasized the “Peace and Development” when formulating the national security strategy in a relative stable international environment. In the Jiang Zemin era, although the U.S. status is hard to replace in the short time, China still tries to develop the “Great Power Diplomacy” with other countries to contain the U.S. in the multipolar international system in post cold war era. Besides, China needs a stable international environment to improve its national power. Therefore, Jiang’s national security policy is to pursue a stable international and regional environment in the foreign affairs arena, and the “Three Representatives” and the “Constructing a Well-off Society” in the domestic arena. In the Hu Jingtao era, Hu continues the Jiang’s policy. Hu emphasized the stability in the domestic arena and the harmonious coexist in the international arena. At the same time, China still took the “Great Power Diplomacy,” “Good-neighbour Diplomacy” and participation in the international organizations to weaken the threat of China’s rising to other countries. In retrospect to the evolution and challenges of PRC’s national security policy, China has changed its security policy from traditional security to comprehensive security and to take the new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination as the guideline of national security policy. From the political economical perspective, with the rapid economic development, China gradually improved its comprehensive national power and became a major power in the world. As to the China’s rising, we should not only care its possible influence, but also what we can learn from it.


future system China


王榮川,2005,「論國家安全與軟國力-我國政治安全探微」,《國防雜誌》 第21卷第三期:頁71~P82。


