  • 學位論文

資源基礎理論探討海外市場策略-以A 公司為例

A Case Study of Exploring the International Business Strategy Based on the Resource-based Theory

指導教授 : 施信佑


台灣是一個小海島,受限於人口與市場規模大小,島內企業為追求持續不斷地成長,考慮前往海外市場進行拓銷,而在海外市場採取何種產品市場策略,才能獲得最佳效益與綜效,成為一個重要的議題。 本研究採用個案研究方式進行研究,主要以企業資源基礎為自變項,地主國因素為控制變數,產品市場策略為依變項,來探討個變項之關係,影響海外市場的產品市場策略。成功企業都有擁有具有價值且不易被模仿與獨特的專屬性資源,如何辨識這些資源,並加以累積,有效地運用在海外市場策略上,為企業國際化必須面臨的重要課題。 研究結果發現,企業資源基礎、與地主國因素二項構面之間,以企業資源基礎為在成熟市場及新興市場皆為有助於產品市場策略的形成與運用;而地主國因素則發現成熟市場在科技發展因素對產品市場策略為影響力強,新興市場在政府政策因素、市場經濟因素、科技發展因素、產業聚落因素等對產品市場策略為影響力強。個案公司對於海外市場策略,雖然在成熟與新興市場都有不錯的營運績效,但因缺乏定期的稽核,而導致出現管理缺失。


Taiwan is a small island and has limitation of population and market scale, whereasthe companies located at Taiwan has considered and tried to exploring the international business for sustainable growth and sales performances. It has become an important issue that what kind of product market strategies should be available for international business and it can able to gain the best performance and synergy. This study conducted by case study, this study aims to explore the relationship of between different variables at the product strategy of international business. Using the enterprise resource-based theory as the independent variables, host country factors as the covariate variables, and product market strategies are dependent variables. A successful enterprise has valuable, imperfectly imitable and unique resources, how do enterprise to identify these available resource and accumulate them for using the international business strategies, it has became the most important issue for being an internationalization company. The results demonstrate the resource-based theory influenced the product market strategy either at the developed market and emerging market; it presented a positive correlation to improve the strategy for formatting and adoption. The factors of host country presented a stronger influence on product market strategy of developed market by technology development, In contrast to emerging market; the factors of host country presented a stronger influence on product market strategy by government policy, social instability, technology development and industry aggregation. The case company had a good performance on the revenues but it needed to have the audit frequently to avoid the error management.


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