  • 學位論文


Public Administration Research in Vietnam: A Content Analysis

指導教授 : 孫同文


本研究探討越南公共行政研究的發展與現狀,更具體地說,是在探討越南公共行政領域知識的特點。本研究分析的期刊論文主要來自三個來源:第一,越南河內國立大學圖書館和信息中心--越南國內最完整的數據庫;第二,關於全球公共行政的108種SSCI期刊;第三,由Clarivate提供的學術描述性數據庫Web of Science Core Collection。 本研究運用內容分析,是一種定量和定性的方法,用於獲取期刊文章內容變量的描述性信息。本研究分析了1976年至2021年期間,在國際期刊發表的348篇關於越南公共行政的英文論文。這些文章是由832名越南籍或非越南籍學者專家所髓撰寫。 描述越南公共行政研究的範圍與主題,是全面描述越南公共行政領域多樣化知識體系的基礎。本研究採用七組變項,包括一般信息、具體內容(主題)、處理主題的探究性質、知識中心、文章的基本結構、文章的目的、研究的經費來源等,來對樣本期刊論文進行內容分析。 本研究發現,越南公共行政的知識體系正在逐年發展。在過去的四十年裡,有關越南公共行政和公共政策的英文期刊論文數量持續增長。此外,這些作品的質量也隨著時間推移而提高。在研究主題方面,樣本期刊論文的主要議題分別是新公共管理、公共政策、發展行政和傳統行政。這四個大類的分佈在這四十年間發生了變化,但是在每一個十年中,都是聚焦於新公共管理和公共政策。這項發現一方面符合公共行政朝向新公共管理典範移轉的趨勢,另一方面也說明越南在發展過程中面臨諸多社會議題,亟需政府提供適當的解決方案。 從研究方法而言,使用次級數據的研究佔了主導地位。然而,隨著時間的推移,運用第一手數據的研究也在逐年增加,這與新公共管理研究中強調「循證」的趨勢相吻合。實證研究將會是對越南公共行政議題有興趣的學者專家主要的資料蒐集與分析方法。隨著時間的推移,越南公共行政研究的質與量都在持續增長。從研究目的來看,隨著越南整體經濟與社會的發展,相關研究早期比較注重探索性和描述性研究,後期則以現象解釋成為重點。 本研究的學術貢獻在於首次將越南公共行政相關議題,暴露在比較公共行政的研究地圖,並且予以定位。未來的研究或許可以聚焦於越南本土公共行政研究的深入分析、公共行政教育的發展歷程、西方理論和範例對於越南公共行政實際運作的影響等面向。


This study addressed the state-of-the-art of public administration discipline and research in Vietnam. More specifically, it examines the characteristics of the knowledge base of public administration in Vietnam as defined by three sources of database: the Library and Information Center Vietnam National University, Hanoi – the leading database inside Vietnam; the 108 SSCI Journals regarding public administration worldwide; and the leading scholarly descriptive database Web of Science Core Collection by Clarivate. Using content analysis as the research method, 348 English-language publications about Vietnamese public administration published between 1976 and 2021 were studied. These articles were authored by 832 Vietnamese and non-Vietnamese writers. In this research, content analysis is a quantitative and qualitative method for obtaining descriptive information on the content variables of the journal articles. Examining the characteristics of the public administration knowledge base in Vietnam is motivated by the necessity to comprehensively characterize the diverse body of knowledge in the area of public administration in Vietnam. Seven set of variables included general information, the specific content (topic), the nature of inquiry in treating the subject-matter, the knowledge center, the basic structure of article, the purpose of article, the financial sponsor of public administration knowledge base in Vietnam were used to content analyze the articles. In the last four decades, the number of journal papers concerning Vietnamese public administration and public policy has continuously grown. Additionally, the quality of these pieces has increased over time. Within the parameters of the knowledge base of public administration in Vietnam, four general taxonomies of subject-matter contents came from the major topics in the sample journal articles. These are new public management, public policy, development administration, and traditional administration. The distribution of these four broader categories has shifted over the four decades. Sustainably accounting for a significant share of each decade are new public management and public policy. Evidently, research using secondary data predominated. Over time, however, the share of first-hand data has grown. The heavy reliance on data is coincided with the “evidence-based” tradition in public administration research. The finding provides support for the notion that empirical research has been the major method of inquiry for researchers interested in Vietnamese public administration. The collaborative research has been emphasized by scholars when conducting research regarding Vietnamese public administration and public policy. More and more Vietnamese scholars take the primary responsibility of addressing public administration and public policy issues in Vietnam by taking up the first authorship. In addition, the knowledge base has been predominantly produced by academicians, the contributions made by the practitioners should be promoted in the future. The frequency of all fundamental article structure components has increased over time. In addition, the shifts in research purposes over time indicate that more exploratory and descriptive research was undertaken in the beginning, whereas phenomena explanation became the emphasis in the recent decade. Finally, a low supply of published studies with the acknowledgment of the research funding was evident. The present study contributes to the field of comparative public administration by marking Vietnamese public administration on the research map. The future research agenda for studying public administration in Vietnam should include the in-depth examination of locally published journal articles, the trajectory of public administration education, and the influence of foreign theories and exemplars on Vietnam government’s practices.


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