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The Impact of Bank Staffs Turnover Intention Discussion- A Case of Private Financial Holdings Bank

指導教授 : 施信佑




Because technology put bank a match to enterprise transformation. cultivate talents from a full range of financial. Bank teller should be the first line of this technology wave, Organizational change reform, we should maintain the enthusiasm and sales of goods. Is bound to affect the family and work responsibilities, mood fluctuations generated turnover intentions. This search shows work-family conflict , selling skill for the impact of private financial holdings bank staffs . Through emotional intelligence to adjust variables, mutual influence on turnover intention, and to explore the correlation between. Bank management should establish a method of pressure adjustment.Often communicate with subordinates and Interviews to grasp and understand their family situation. And timely assistance to ease the pressure of work and family. Change with a sense of competence and thus to be able to have more confidence in the company's development and solidarity. The analysis found that its findings:Work-family conflict has positive influence for turnover intention . Selling skill has negative impact turnover intention . Emotional intelligence will adjust to work-family conflict and turnover intention . Emotional intelligence will adjust to selling skill and turnover intention .Finally, the management implications and follow-up study by the foregoing findings.Suggestions for future education and training programs in the company. Join conflict management, sales skills, anger management courses. Can be a positive and effective way to enhance self-worth. Emotional Intelligence staff grading assigned different nature of work assigned to different duties. Different Emotional Intelligence, the bank teller can make the highest performance output and achievement.


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