  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Pulse Width Modulation Power Control System Apply to UV LED Array

指導教授 : 孫台平 林佑昇




This paper describes the study on application of UV LED array and the design of driving circuit. The system structure of this study is continuous with automatic current control system (ACC), traditional automatic power control system (APC(T)) and new automatic power control system (APC(N)), and combined with multi-band pulse generator, finally modified into Pulse Width Modulation Power Control System. ACC system can enable the LED to work in constant current. APC(T) system can enable the LED to work with stable electric power. APC(N) system can enable the LED to work with photo power compensation. The abilities of these control systems are reducing the influence of ambient temperature on the UV-emitting power, and achieving a stable driving current. Therefore, the system can stabilize the output power of LED. Finally, the system combined with the PWM control to reduce the operating temperature of LED and increase stability. So this paper focus on testing system with UV LED in order to analysis the conditions of different control system modes with three kinds of input signals such as DC, pulse and pulse with carrier. Then, comparing the quality of UV-emitting power.


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