  • 學位論文


The Influence of Long-term Mindfulness Practice on Psychological Helpers' Professional Growth

指導教授 : 趙祥和


本研究目的主要探討長期實踐正念對個人內在自我、人際關係、專業自我及實務經驗的影響為何,採質性研究方式進行,以立意取樣與滾雪球的方式篩選出6位實踐正念2.5-20年不等的心理助人工作者為研究參與者,於2014年10月至2015年1月進行深度訪談蒐集文本資料,並以Boeije提出的質性分析方式進行分析(張可婷譯,2013),結果發現如下: 一、對內在自我的影響:1.實踐正念所累積的後設認知,會隨著個體對目標事件再知覺的練習次數增加而加快後設認知的執行力,並且以新的自我認知基模替代原來的習性反應;2.每一次的再知覺都會促進更高層次的後設認知及轉移;3.非評價覺察可以幫助個體為放下習性反應,朝向活出自己;4.正念帶來個人的價值觀與(或)宗教信仰的整合;5.帶來超越生死的生命態度;6.改變價值觀。 二、對人際關係的影響:1.從利己到利他;2.慈悲心幫助關係和解與自我照顧;3.從因緣看待人際關係。 三、對專業自我的影響:分為諮商哲學與角色定位兩部分,諮商哲學會朝向三個方向:1.以關係為本質的哲學觀;2.採取全人的哲學觀;3.更重視經驗性/感受性的應用。角色定位改變為:1.互為主體,以己為師;2.從親身實踐中更貼近人的本質。 四、對實務經驗的影響:分為諮商風格、諮商目標與專業生涯,諮商風格會產生以下的轉變:1.重視當下與身體覺察;2.開放互動與放下主觀;3.先重視自身的安頓;4.藉由探問去擴展自己與個案的認知。諮商目標會產生以下的轉變:1.專注當下的目標;2.協助覺察易變的本質。在專業生涯的部份,會以更隨緣的態度去面對,並選擇以切合自己的步調來精進正念的練習,再針對以上結果進行討論。


The main purpose of this study was to explore how a long-term mindfulness practice can influence oneself. It includes interpersonal relationships, professional-self and counseling practical experience. The researcher used qualitative research method to conduct this study and applied Boeije’s method (2010) to analyze all data. In terms of the participants, the researcher used purposive sampling and snowball sampling to select 6 psychological helpers who have practiced long-termed mindfulness for at least 2.5 to 20 years. Besides, the researcher used in-depth interviews to collect data. The researcher interviewed all participants during the period from October 2014 through January 2015. Following are the findings from the research of the practice: 1. The impacts on self: (a) The speed of gaining metacognition from practicing mindfulness would accelerate due to increasing the number of exercises of mindfulness individual's re-perceiving on the target object. This also produces new self-schema as a substitute for habit-governed behavior. (b) Every re-perceiving will promote higher level of metacognition and metacognitive shift. Non-judging perceiving helps a person to lay down his habit-governed behavior and turn towards to live to be himself. (c) Mindfulness practice integrates values on person and religion. (d) Expand the life attitude of being beyond life and death. (e) Change values. 2. The impacts on interpersonal relationships: (a) Form self-benefit to other-benefit. (b) Loving-kindness meditation facilitates harmonious relationship and self-care. (c) Mindfulness practice can induce psychological helpers using hetu-pratyaya (dependent origination) to see interpersonal relationships. 3. The impacts on professional-self: For counseling philosophy, (a) build the nature of philosophy in relation. (b) Build the holistic philosophy. (c) More emphasis on experiential usage / sensitivity usage. For role orientation, (a) the teacher and the students are the relation of inter-subjectivity and each one can learn more from self to others by re-perceiving his feelings. (b) Personal practice is closer to the nature of human. 4. The impacts on the counseling practical experience: For counseling style, (a) more emphasis on body perceiving. (b) Opening the interaction and putting down the subjective evaluation from the first meet. (c) Emphasis on settling down the self first. (d) Expand the cognition of client and counselor through inquiry. The changes of counseling goal include the following steps: (a) Focus on current goal. (b) Help client to be aware of the nature of volatility. For professional career, the attitude on career will follow by fate. And you may keep your own pace on enhancing the practice of mindfulness diligently. Mindfulness-informed psychotherapy in Taiwan is focused on facilitating the body awareness but the poverty. If you look at the tiny steps of indication and description of significance, it also lacks of resources on intervention of special patient groups. We wish more people can explore further from the result of this study and develop the helping system of mindfulness completely.


《大正新脩大藏經》,T02, no.124, p.547, b17-18。


