  • 學位論文

城市事件行銷策略之研究 -以「2010臺北國際花卉博覽會」為例

A Study of City Event Marketing:The Case of 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition

指導教授 : 柯于璋


近年來在全球化的衝擊之下,各大城市的競爭尤為激烈,因此各個地方政府為了因應大環境的改變,不得不發展出一套適合自己本身特色的行銷策略,來提升城市的競爭力與發展。而大型的賽會活動,是創造與城市聯繫情感最大資產的重要方式,也是觀光發展的重要型態之一。 2010年的「台北國際花卉博覽會」,為台灣第一次獲得國際授權舉辦的世界性博覽會,也是亞洲第七個城市經由國際園藝生產者協會(The International Association of Horticultural Producers,簡稱AIPH)正式授權舉辦的國際園藝博覽會。這項活動不僅對台北市是件難得的殊榮與考驗,不但可以提升城市的競爭力,也可將台灣行銷推廣到全世界,拓展國際關係。 本研究的目的為探討「台北國際花卉博覽會」的城市事件行銷策略,並探討公私協力的互動關係,以及效益評估,期望能夠藉由案例分析,對未來政策行銷的籌劃推動給予更多的建議,以提昇未來地方城市的經濟發展,塑造地方發展相對的競爭優勢。 本研究方法採用「個案分析法」、「文獻分析法」、「深度訪談法」來分析探討。並以行銷6P「產品(product)、價格(price)、通路(place)、促銷(promote)、公共關係(public relations)、夥伴關係(partner) 」,透過檢視與整合分析以建構有效率的城市行銷策略。


In recent years, under the impact of globalization, the competition among the major cities is particularly fierce. In order to adapt changes in environment, several local governments create their own marketing strategy to enhance local cities’ competitiveness and development. One big event is a major way to build the connection and establish a good relationship among different cities and also it can promote local tourist development. 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition is the honor of Taiwan to host international level exposition which is authorized and certified by the international institution. It is also the seventh city in Asia which is empowered by AIPH (The International Association of Horticultural Producers). This event is not only an honor to Taiwan but also a challenge to the city. Though this exhibition, it increases competitiveness and popularize Taiwan to the whole world. The purpose of this study is to explore the marketing strategy of Taipei International Flora Expo, the interaction between public-private partnerships, and benefit assessment. By analyzing this case study and assessing its marketing plan, we hope our work can help those cities in future law making and strategy planning. We also hope this case study can bring those cities a better economic development and greater competitive advantage.This study is analyzed by case analysis, literature analysis, and depth interviews. By using Marketing 6P "product, price, place, promote, public relations and partner”, it help us to review and integrate analysis in order to constructs efficient city marketing strategy.


科特勒(Philip Kotler)、李南西(Nancy Lee)(2007),譯者:郭思妤。《科特勒談政府如何做行銷》,台北市:台灣培生教育出版股份有限公司。
