  • 學位論文

台灣原住民族部落發展之研究 —互助觀點的分析

The study of development of indigenous tribe in Taiwan-A mutuality approach

指導教授 : 黃源協


政府致力於推動原住民社區總體營造,發展部落的農業、觀光等產業,促進部落發展,然而,部落中的組織或社團因為經費的爭取而處於競爭對立的位置,缺乏合作機制,推動的工作也因此分散。在部落資源退場時,部落的組織及人員因後繼無力,相關的工作與建設亦隨即停擺或終止。近年來,加拿大、紐西蘭及美國的原住民族發展計畫皆以自助、互助及能力建構為基礎,社區或部落為主要工作據點,引導原住民自助自立;發展原住民社區的社會資本,因應地方問題,經由對部落社區的參與及合作的機會,因應快速變遷的環境,減少對福利的依賴,由部落居民決定部落的發展方向,形成最符合原住民族文化利益的發展型態。 借鏡於國外原住民族發展經驗,台灣原住民族應以自主自立的發展為目標;研究者以「互助觀點」為主軸,來檢視原住民族的部落發展。互助機制被視為是因應經濟問題與社會排除的方法,因此互助活動的重要角色包括社區問題的直接解決、投入主流活動的跳板與面對主流社會的另一種替代選擇。 原住民族的部落發展具互助性,研究者以互助的觀點來檢視原住民族部落發展,期待因應原住民所面臨之困境,避免對外在資源的依賴。研究的山美部落、司馬庫斯部落與大安溪沿線部落三個單位與外部單位的工作經驗,邁向自主與永續是部落發展的趨勢。在原住民族的傳統文化中有著共有、共享的生活型態,是傳統文化中美麗的生活智慧。原住民部落發展中互助機制的式微受到國家政策、社會變遷、宗教信仰的改變、道路開通所影響。而互助的復振則順應了部落意識、發現巨木、捍衛土地拒絕財團及外來團體的帶領等要素。互助是原住民相互關係的呈現、文化宗教與部落意識促進部落居民互助,部落發展工作歷程與影響歸納有資源開發與靈活策略因應部落發展的需求,部落意識、居民參與、集體決策是部落發展的動力,部落發展因應個體到整體的需求層次,部落發展影響原住民族文化的延續與傳承及部落發展提昇原住民的自信與促進自主意識的抬頭。同時,國家、宗教與道路對部落互助的形成雙重影響。 研究對象在推動部落發展的過程中皆有不同型態的互助機制呈現,過程中的共同參與及分工合作等策略解決部落個人與整體的經濟、生活等問題,來達成共同的目標,互助的結果其受益的對象不只是個體需求的滿足,改善部落環境提升生活品質,同時還落實部落福利照顧,補償正式福利體制不足之處。研究者從資源、部落發展策略及部落受益型態因素分析,歸納出國家資源整合型、生態資源轉化型、地方資源培力型三種互助觀點下的台灣原住民部落發展模式。最後,依據研究發現,分別對國家與部落提出建議,並對既有理論提出不同的思考方向,提供未來原住民族部落發展及國家政策規劃之參考。


Mutual aid involves indigenous tribe development, which reciprocity between people. What distinguishes these activities from other forms of social organization is that they are carried out directly by people in the tribe. Mutuality approach can be a way to cope with the dilemma in indigenous tribe during the tribe development, which is avoid relying on any sponsor. To be independent is the common goal of indigenous tribe in Taiwan, they have the mutual aid and sharing lifestyle of traditional culture for ages. However, the mutuality was decade by the factors of state policy、social change、road building and religion alter. Moreover, mutuality has been recovered by tribe conscience、finding natural resource、protect the land right and outsider organization leading.. The dynamic of tribe development is tribe conscience、people participate and collective decision making,. Otherwise, tribe development has influenced the culture sustainable, and increase the confident、dignity of indigenous. As can been seen, the factors of state、religion and road building are dual impact the mutual aid activity in the tribe. The findings of studying are people involved by division labor to improve the economic、living situation, and quality of life in indigenous tribe. They draw directly on people's own labor power, skills and knowledge. As well as providing direct solutions for communities to problems that they perceive the state as unable or unwilling to resolve, mutual aid and self-help also offer solutions to policy makers. In the face of rising demands on the welfare budget they have the potential to take the load off formal caring systems. They can also be seen as a counterbalance to an apparent breakdown in social cohesion and as a way of establishing moral and social responsibilities eroded both by dependency on the state and by the individualism of the market. In addition, they have the ability to cushion the impact of poverty and give those who have fallen to the margins of the labor market a step back into the mainstream. The studying conclude three model of tribe development with mutuality:integration of state resource、transformation of natural resource、capacity building of local resource, which are analysis by adapting resource、strategy and benefit of tribe. Finally, according to the studying has suggested to state and tribe, as well as reflecting the theory about the indigenous tribe development。


以撒克 • 阿復(2004)。原住民部落的需要與契機,部落原住民女性論壇實錄及成果報告書,原住民族委員會主辦,93年12月31日。
巴蘇亞 • 博伊哲努(2005)從部落出發-思考原住民族的未來。台北:國家展望基金會。
台邦 • 撒沙樂(1993)。廢墟故鄉的重生:從高山青到部落主義 - 一個原住民運動者的觀察與反省,台灣史料研究,第2期,頁28-40。


