  • 學位論文


A study on triggering Non-Profit Organization partners’ perspective transformation by the process of event marketing - A case study of Vox Nativa Taiwan

指導教授 : 高文彬


本研究以社團法人台灣原聲教育協會成立8年來,歷經2010年大眾銀行「馬校長的合唱團」的形象廣告、2013『看見台灣』紀錄片,以及2015年前往應全球知名的維也納少年合唱團邀請前往歐洲進行的交流,在德國街頭「拿國旗唱國歌」的影片被網友瘋傳等原聲的事件行銷三部曲歷程中,以成人教育的觀點來研究合作夥伴的觀點轉化過程,並探討事件行銷對社團法人台灣原聲教育協會發展的影響。本研究目的為探討(1)探索社團法人台灣原聲教育協會事件行銷的過程;(2) 探索社團法人台灣原聲教育協會與事件行銷之合作夥伴所產生之效應;以及(3) 探索社團法人台灣原聲教育協會事件行銷歷程促發合作夥伴之觀點轉化。研究對象為組織成員及合作夥伴,本研究採質性研究法,以深度訪談方式蒐集資料,輔以觀察筆記進行資料分析。 本研究結果發現受訪者一致認為原聲的事件行銷三部曲對原聲的知名度和能見度均有正面的影響,也分別代表著原聲成長的三個階段。 而對於受訪者的觀點轉化,本研究則歸納出有四個時期:(1)摸索時期(2)啟發時期(3)改變時期(4)行動時期,並與Mezirow 觀點轉化10階段相對應。而核心成員與合作夥伴的觀點轉化歷程呈金字塔型的發展,並相互影響,而逐漸形成組織的團隊力量。 最後,本研究也對非營利組織及合作夥伴提出建議,最重要的是一定要堅持組織「宗旨」和「理念」為規劃核心主軸,核心成員要能凝聚內、外部組織共識,才能創造成功的事件行銷。


The Vox Nativa Taiwan was founded in 2008. Since then, the organization has gone through several stages of development. It started with The Ta Chong Banks “Principal Ma’s choir” in 2010 and the documentary film“ Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above in 2013 and conclude with the invitation of the world-renowned Vienna Boys Choir to perform in Europe in 2015. The footage of Vox Nativa Taiwan holding the Taiwanese National Flag and singing our national anthem in Germany was enthusiastically shared across the world via social media. Through these 3 marketing events, I explore the perspective transformation process of cross-sector partnerships from an adult education point of view and the impact of event marketing in Vox Nativa Taiwan. The purpose of this research is (1) to analyse the event marketing process of Vox Nativa Taiwan, (2) to understand the affect of event marketing on Vox Nativa Taiwan and its partners, and (3) to explore how the event marketing for Vox Nativa Taiwan brings about the perspective transformation in its closest Partners.The subjects were members and partners of Vox Nativa Taiwan.This study uses qualitative methodology from in-depth interviews to gather its information, supplemented by observational notes and further data analysis. The study has discovered interviewees agreed that the popularity and visibility of Vox Nativa Taiwan has had a positive impact,It represents three stages of growth for Vox Nativa Taiwan. For the conversion of perspective transformation, We have summarized four periods: (1) Exploration Period(2)Inspired Period(3)Change Period(4)Action Period. That corresponds with 10 stages of the theory of perspective transformation by H. Mezirow. The process of perspective transformation of the core members and partners is pyramid-shaped. The perspective transformation process of the members affected each other and forming a team strength. Finally, to make recommendations to non-profit organizations and partners based on the results of this study. When planning event marketing , it is crucial to stick to the purpose and vision of the organization as the events core value. To empower the team and create a successful event marketing, the core members must unite the internal and external consensus.


徐子玉( 2009)。事件行銷滿意度與忠誠度之研究: 以天下雜誌"微笑台灣319鄉+"活動為例
