  • 學位論文


Automatic Learning Platform for Content Integration and Recommendation Based on National Education Curriculum

指導教授 : 林宣華


隨著科技化時代的變遷,過往單純地紙本的學習管道已經不再適合應用於知識迅 速爆炸的時代,政府拍板定案的 108 新課綱,將「三面九項核心素養」、跨領域學 習等概念導入,使學生的學習內容變得更有關聯性。在過去多數資源較為不足的時 代,家中經濟狀況較好的學子們在學習上的成績不盡理想時,可以選擇花費額外金 金錢報名補習班補足落後的課業;而經濟狀況較為吃緊的學生只能透過課後詢問 任課老師或到圖書館使用公共免費資源。綜合兩者情形發現,在過往的時代必須花 費大量的金錢或時間來加強學習不足之處。若能妥善利用免費的網路資源,並結合 孔子因材施教的概念,依照使用者學力程度推薦合適的教材提供學習。本篇論文基 於 YouTube 免費教學影片建立 EDU 適性化推薦學習平台,以 Text Mining 技術分 析基於新課綱中的內容將學習單元建立出學校類型、版本和各年級,有架構性的分 類,進而提供關鍵字搜尋提供適性化推薦服務,建立出 EDU 適性化推薦學習平台。 此平台依新課綱架構為基礎產出學習地圖,在透過 Mining Association 改良地圖架 構提升學習效率,有了學習指南針的學生,在汪洋的學海之中不再迷茫,利用課綱 地圖判斷學子們學習的弱點,期望達到對症下藥的效果,並能有系統性的引導學習 的方向,本系統額外蒐集多樣的學習教材,影片教學風格多樣化更能夠吸引學生們 能夠找到屬於適合自己的學習方法。


As the technological times coming, In the past, purely paper-based learning methods are no longer suitable for the era of rapid knowledge dissemination. According to the government's policy of 108 Education Curriculum, Student starting learning new knowledge, for example add "three aspects and nine core literacy" and cross-field learning in new Education Curriculum, make student's learning content more relevant. In the past when most resources were insufficient, students with better financial conditions at home do not achieve satisfactory academic performance, and choose to spend extra money to sign up for a cram school to make up for the backward schoolwork. Students with poor financial status can only ask the teacher after class or use public free resources in the library. If you can make good use of free internet resources and combine the Confucius's idea " Teach students in accordance with their aptitude ". This paper builds an EDU system based on YouTube free teaching videos, use Text Mining technical analysis to establish a school type and grade based on the content of the new curriculum, then provide keyword search and adaptive recommendation service with EDU . The platform produces learning maps based on the new curriculum structure, then iv improving the map structure through the Mining Association to improve learning efficiency. When students have a learning compass, they will no longer lost in the vast ocean. Use the syllabus map to judge the learning weaknesses of students, we expect to achieve the effect of find the right antidote and can systematically guide the direction of learning. This system additionally collects various learning materials, and the diversified teaching styles of the film can attract students to find their own learning methods.


[1] Directions Governing for the 12-Year Basic Education Curricula are scheduled to be implemented in August 2019
[2] 國家教育研究院 – 課綱資料
[3] 國家教育研究院 – 雙語詞彙、學術名詞暨辭書資訊網
