  • 學位論文


A Study on the Influential Factors of College Student-athletes’ Career Development.

指導教授 : 賴弘基


本研究主要在探討「大學運動績優生職業生涯發展影響因素」,主要研究目的如下: 一、 瞭解大學運動績優生職業生涯發展之歷程。 二、 探討影響大學運動績優生生涯抉擇之重要因素。 三、 探討大學運動績優生職業生涯發展中所遭遇之影響。 本研究以質化深度訪談的方式進行,並輔以半結構式的訪談大綱來蒐集研究參與者之相關資料。根據研究發現,歸納出結論如下: 一、 大學運動績優生的生涯發展歷程: (一)自身對運動的興趣:大學運動績優生生涯發展方面也不外乎會受到因從小就熱愛體育運動而影響生涯發展歷程。 (二)教練或師長的觀察與發掘:學校教練或師長的啟蒙而有機會接觸到更專業的體育運動訓練並成為了生涯發展過程中的其中一部分,對於未來的運動生涯發展奠定良好的基礎。 (三)家長的同意與支持:本研究發現,家長的同意與否及支持程度的高底是影響大學運動績優生職業生涯抉擇的其中一項重要因素。 二、 大學運動績優生生涯抉擇之影響因素: (一)外在因素:他人影響、歧視、資訊、社會需求、職業條件限制、缺乏生涯相關輔導。 (二)內在因素:角色衝突、生涯態度、價值信念。 三、 大學運動績優生克服職業生涯發展經歷: (一)學習適應:大學運動績優生在職業生涯轉換後常會遇到學非所用之狀況,而遇到工作壓力之際也會以多聽、多看、多做等方式來找尋解決適應的管道。 (二)面對挑戰:大學運動績優生在專業運動訓練與比賽期間已訓練出持之以恆追求成功的素質與態度,所以在求職初期的考驗皆可以忍受失敗並重新準備自己再次接受挑戰。


This study aims on the influential factors of college student-athletes’ career development. The main purposes of the study are as follows: I. To understand the process of career development of college student-athletes. II. To understand the factors affecting career decisions of college student-athletes. III. To understand the influence college student-athletes facing in career development. In this study, research data were collected through interviewing eight college student-athletes assisted by semi-structured interview outlines. Based on the research findings, conclusions are made as follows: I. The process of career development of student-athletes: i. General interest in sports itself: Sport and athletics are largely influence in the lives of these students, often beginning from a young age. It has a profound effect on the development of their careers. ii. Discovery and honing of skills by coaches and teachers: Students have the opportunity to work with professionals. This enlightening training from professors and coaches lays a good foundation for a future career. iii. Approval and support of parents: The level of support that parents and family have for a student-athlete’s career choice is an important influence on his or her decision-making. II. Factors affecting the career decisions of college student-athletes: i. External factors: the influence of others, discrimination, unavailability of information, social needs, restrictions of occupational conditions, the lack of career-related counseling. ii. Internal factors: personal role conflict, career goals, beliefs and values. III. Overcoming difficulties that college student-athletes facing in their career development: i. Learning to adapt: Many student-athletes will find a job outside of his or her major after a career change. They must become better problem solvers to try even harder to adapt to their employers’ wishes in a new work environment. ii. Confront the challenges: Student-athletes are likely to have the skills to pursue success with perseverance and with a positive attitude. From their experiences in sports training and competitions, they can better accept defeat, and are more equipped to retry to confront the challenges of searching for work.


