  • 學位論文


A Study Of The Efficiency of Digital Opportunity Center by Ditigal Opportunity Index-An Example of Nantou County

指導教授 : 洪嘉良


政府在偏鄉地區設置數位機會中心(Digital Opportunity Center),是提升偏鄉居民數位資訊應用能力的有效方法之一,本研究以國際電信聯盟( ITU)提出的數位機會指標(Digital Opportunity Index)來檢視南投縣設置數位機會中心的成效,並以改良的數位機會指標來檢驗數位機會中心對於提升偏鄉地區居民資訊生活應用的成效。本研究依據國內外衡量數位機會的相關文獻設計問卷,在南投縣設立數位機會中心和其臨近地區但沒有設立數位機會中心的偏鄉社區,進行問卷調查蒐集第一手資料,回收問卷後以T檢定,比較DOC與對照地區的相關指標分數是否有顯著差異,來判斷各DOC的成效。從研究結果中發現,設置數位機會中心的確能有效提升當地居民的資訊生活應用能力,對於原住民地區效果也顯著,對於數位機會指標的提升效果顯著。此外,研究也發現,以新設立的集集數位機會中心在本研究成效排名獨占鼇頭為例,成立較久的數位機會中心成效不一定優於新成立的數位學習中心,因此在挑選設置數位中心的地點時,必須考慮當地居民資訊應用的現況,讓有限的資源能發揮最大效用。從原住民DOC與其對照組的比較結果, 其成效並不顯著, 而且原住民DOC與非原住民DOC的比較結果,原住民DOC之成效亦顯著落後,對於轄內多數為偏遠鄉鎮,擁有相當多原住民居民的南投縣,為減少城鄉數位落差,政府的確需要投入更多的心力和資源,本研究的分析方式,除了用來檢視數位機會中心營運成效,還可作為有關單位評估設置數位中心的參考。


The government sponsored “Digital Opportunity Center” (DOC) in the remote village areas is a possible approach to increase the information efficacy of the people there. This research examines the effectiveness of DOCs of Nantou County with the Digital Opportunity Index (DOI) of ITU and its adapted one. The author designs the questionnaire about DOI to collect firsthand data around Nantou County’s distant areas where DOCs are set up and their nearby areas without DOCs. The following T-test comparison reveals some dimension of effectiveness caused by DOCs. The research result shows that setting the DOCs generally can enhance the information efficacy of people in the distant areas including the indigenous areas. Most DOCs except some indigenous DOCs actually increase their DOIs a lot in the comparison with the corresponding nearby areas. The results also show that the older DOCs may not perform better than the newly ones. For example, the newly Chi-Chi DOC, where locates in the hot tourism spot, is the best in this survey. Therefore, another issue emerges that the policy authority must consider how and where to set up the necessary DOCs under the limited resources. Especially, the DOCs in the indigenous areas indeed have the relatively lower DOI scores than the city areas. Moreover, there are many indigenous residents in Taiwan living in the remote villages as well as the Nantou County. The government indeed should invest much more efforts and resources to reduce the digital divide between cities and countryside. The analysis method of this research can be referred by the authorities to evaluate the process of setting up DOCs.


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