  • 學位論文


The Role of the School and Community in the Transmission of Hakka Culture ─ A Case Study of Nantou County Guoshing Township

指導教授 : 林吉郎


客家族群經歷無數遷移,其深具特色的客家文化係自遷徙的歷史演變而來。在時代的變遷中,台灣部分地區客家文化漸趨沒落,是不爭事實,許多客家子弟不僅忘卻如何使用客家語言來溝通對話,甚至缺乏認同。然自行政院客家委員會成立後,積極推動客家文化保存政策,戮力藉由學校正式教育方式以及社區中非營利組織團體的非正式教育途徑,共同來推動客家文化傳遞的工作。本研究係以南投縣國姓鄉為例,來探討客家文化傳遞中學校與社區在其中所扮演的角色,並了解學校教育組織與社區非營利組織藉由何種方式來推動文化的保存與傳承,進而分析各項活動對於客家文化傳遞的功能性,從中了解到公部門、學校與非營利組織合作的過程。 本研究重要發現如下: 一、國姓鄉是一個客家族群二次移民的鄉鎮,當地有多元的客家語言腔調,但是由於與閩南族群通商之緣故,因此客家語言漸漸已被河洛語言所取代。惟近來行政院客家委員會與當地公所積極推動客家文化保存政策,語言已漸有復甦之勢。 二、當地學校客家語言教育推動熱絡,學校內部亦發展許多客家特色社團,如:歌謠、舞蹈、北管八音與鼓藝。多數社區非營利組織也能持續與公部門合作,支援各項客家活動的舉辦事宜。 三、學校組織與社區非營利組織原本各自進行客家文化傳遞活動,透過公部門的整合之後,客家文化的傳遞將更有系統的延續給下一代子孫。


The characterful Hakka culture is generated from its migration history because Hakka move many times from one place to another. It is definitely true that some Hakka cultures degenerate because of the passing of time. Many Hakka descendants do not speak Hakka to communicate with each other and even lack of their identification. After the establishment of Council for Hakka Affairs, Executive Yuan, an impetus has been actively driven that are the policy of Hakka cultures preservation and inheritance, accompanying with the formal education at schools and the informal education among Non-profit organization in a community. This study is focused on Guoshing country, Nantou to discuss the role of school and community in Hakka cultures inheritance and to investigate the way how school and community used to preserve and to hand down for generations. Moreover, the transfer functions of different activities will be analyze and to understand the cooperation process among government, schools, and Non-profit organization. The findings are as followed: 1.Guoshing country is the secondary migration during Hakka migration because there are diverse Hakka tones and accents there. However, due to the commercial cooperation with Minnan, Hakka language is gradually replaced by Hokkien. Because of the policy of Hakka cultures preservation and inheritance driven by Council for Hakka Affairs and local government, Hakka language relives gradually. 2.Local schools actively drive Hakka language teaching and develop many particular associations which are full of Hakka characters, such as songs, dance, Pei-Kuan Pa-Yin, and drum. Most of the Non-profit organization in the community continuously cooperate with the government and sustain the holding of varied activities. 3.Originally, schools and Non-profit organizations in community drive their transmission of Hakka cultures separately. It is more systemic to hand down Hakka culture for the generations through the integration made by the government.


中華民國社區教育學會(2000) ,《學習型社區》,台北:師大書苑。
王昭正、朱瑞淵譯(1999),Jorgensen, Danny L著。《參與觀察法》,臺北:弘智。


