  • 學位論文


The Study of Policies and Strategies of International Students’ Recruitment in UK Higher Education

指導教授 : 陳怡如


論文名稱:英國高等教育國際學生招收政策與策略之研究 校院系:國立暨南國際大學 教育學院 國際文教與比較教育學系 頁數:122 畢業時間:102年6月 學位別:碩士 研究生:陳煌勝 指導教授:陳怡如 博士 論文摘要 英國政府面對國際化的潮流於1980年代以來,以自由經濟的市場化原則來招收國際學生,使國際學生的學費可以對英國經濟有幫助。因此,本研究希冀透過英國國際學生相關政策和策略之探討,作為我國未來國際學生之招收政策制定之參考。 基於此,本研究以文件分析法為主,透過與國際學生招收相關的官方、半官方機構報告書等文件,探究英國國際學生招收的相關政策和策略。首先,探討英國高等教育國際學生招收的發展和現況,其次探究首相行動計畫與相關政策及影響因素,最後對英國高等教育國際學生招收之成效和所面臨的挑戰提出反思。 本研究歸結出,英國國際學生招收相關政策與策略的重點為:一、國際學生招收成為國際化與市場化重要的政策與策略;二、大英國協、英語、大學國際排名是三大助力;三、首相計畫的成功;四、學費挹注大學辦學資金、吸引國際人才。五、全球經濟情勢與移民政策影響國際學生招收。據研究發現,研擬具體建議包括重新檢視移民政策,避免產生國際學生與本國學生權益不對等的情況、重視國際學生的「學生經驗」、提升大學品質、成立解決學生問題的專責機構、注重培力東南亞國家的中小學,強化海峽兩岸的高等教育交流,以供我國未來國際學生招收的參考。 關鍵詞:高等教育、國際學生招收、英國


Title of Thesis:The Study of Policies and Strategies of International Students’ Recruitment in UK Higher Education Name of Institute:Department of Comparative Education, Institute of Education, National Chi Nan University Page:122 Graduation:June 2013 Degree Conferred:Master Student Name: Huang-Sheng, Chen Advisor Name:Dr.I-Ru, Chen Abstract Confronting the trend of internationalization, the UK government applied the principle of market in international student recruitment in order to benefit the UK economy. This study is based on the method of document analysis by exploring the government and quasi-government reports and documents of relevant international student recruitment policies and strategies. First, realize the development and trend of international student recruitment in UK higher education. Second, explore relevant policies and effective factors. Last but not least, reflect on the performance of international student recruitment in UK higher education. The conclusion of this study is as follows: 1.International students’ Recruitment becomes important policy and strategy of Internationalization and Marketization.2.The Commonwealth, English, and league table become three forces. 3. Prime Minister’s Initiative is successful. 4.Tuition fees is profitable to run HEIs;International brain gain.5.Global economy and immigration policies affect international students’ recruitment. According to the findings, this study provides suggestions including: reviewing immigration policies, avoiding the unequal interest between international students and home students, emphasizing students experiences, promoting the quality of universities, setting up the institution in charge of international students’ affairs, focusing on the empowerment of primary education in Southeast Asia, and strengthen the exchange of higher education across the Taiwan Strait. Keywords: higher education, international student recruitment, UK


吳亞君(2008)。「招收國際學生政策回顧與前瞻」簡報。2010年1月20日,取自 http://www.ced.ncnu.edu.tw/校內演講座談ppt等存放處/962/97.04.17吳亞君/外生政策回顧與前瞻。
