  • 學位論文


Evaluating Economic Impacts of Highway Number 6: An Input-Output Model Application

指導教授 : 葉家瑜


南投有著獨特的天然景觀,一直以來皆是臺灣地區的觀光遊憩重地。隨著國道六號興建完工,在交通時間大幅縮短情況下,勢必會帶給南投地區許多衝擊及影響。據此,本研究針對國道六號興建期所新增投資建設,透過投入產出模型(input-output model)分別就全國及南投地區進行產業關聯分析;並利用區位商數(location quotient)為調整基礎,完成南投地區之區域內投入產出模型(regional input-output model),以作為區域內研究的主要工具。 本研究將97年南投縣政府為因應通車後帶來的無限商機所規劃各項觀光建設之工程投入,透過南投地區區域內投入產出模型,評估其投入項所帶動南投地區之產出、就業及所得效果。實證結果顯示,不論就國道六號興建或新增觀光工程投入項,對南投地區之區域內產量、就業及所得效果,皆有顯著的經濟效果;而各產業間以營建業所增變動最多,所帶動的經濟效果最大,其中,南投地區農林漁牧業之就業乘數相對較大,故其對增加地方就業有實質幫助,而其他服務業屬感應度較高之基礎型產業,在各項經濟效果反映上亦有明顯影響。


Nantou has many attractions and unique natural scenery; it’s a very important place for recreation activities in Taiwan. As the Highway Number 6 is built and opens to access, the traffic time is shortened and the traffic condition is improved distinctly. It shall bring many impacts and influences to the central Taiwan with the accessibility of Highway Number 6. Nantou County Government is planning to improve its tourism environment by various construction investments with respect to the enormous benefits expected from the Highway Number 6. In view of the above, this research tries to apply an Input-Output Model to assess economic impacts in Taiwan and Nantou. The Location Quotient method is adopted as the adjustment to develop a Regional Input-Output Model of Nantou as the major tool for regional analysis. This research found that during the building period of Highway Number 6, the estimated effects of output, employment and income all have distinguished growth. Besides, the constructions of tourism development also create obvious multiplier effects in Nantou County. Among all industries, the construction industry is obtained the most benefits from these building activities. Noticeably, the employment multiplier of farming industry in Nantou is relatively high, meaning that the development creates substantial benefits to the farming employment locally. And the service industry has relatively high sensitivity of dispersion, resulting higher economic effects on output, income, and employment as well.


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