  • 學位論文


The Scholar’s Dilemma of Life and Self-Settled during Sung-Jin Transition─Sung Ambassador and Jin Officials as a Case Study

指導教授 : 林宜蓉


本論文以《世變下知識分子的生命困境與自我安頓》作為探討主題,談論的世變,即為眾所周知的「靖康之變」,但論述的場域,卻是在大金帝國。本文主要研究金初遭金廷「借才異代」的漢文士,對於自身主體的認同。 對金初漢文士來說,值得探究的是:宋的南避,令當代的主體價值取向整個隨之南移,相較來說,明的滅亡,卻使明、清對立的生存抉擇並行多時。這相當值得玩味,因為對十二世紀的中國來說,金帝國才是主宰,卻仍不減「正統論述」的精神勝利。由此推展,將得以反思現行金代研究,仍多半自「正統文化價值」,去接續與搜尋相應和的研究題材,這一點在金初更形嚴重:單以文士研究來說,被予以觀照、研究者,多為語帶「故國」之思,持「去國懷鄉」之感者;其餘的,卻如亂臣賊子,不值一提。事實上,當然有投機之流,但在傳統君臣價值所掩沒的歷史長河中,仍然有著懷「道」以自任的知識分子,即便他們終身處在協調與不協調的徬徨失措,仍不改這樣的價值認同。 本論文主要研究對象,為傳統君臣價值所貶抑的「仕金漢士」,以及傳統君臣價值所讚揚的「滯金宋使」。擬自滯金宋使與仕金漢士之文學作品,觀察其入金後,所歷經一連串的文脈轉變,採用精神史、心態史方法,意圖開展一個認知詮釋的新嘗試。


This dissertation mainly focuses on analysing the Chinese literati writings of early-Jin Dynasty , to show Chinese literati’s self-value transition among different conditions. The Jin Dynasty had a strategy of borrowing talents from the Sung and Liao government, and most of Jin government officials who came from the Sung and Liao government was usually considered to be the traitors. So the greatest effort of this dissertation was trying to change the prejudices about the Chinese literati who became an officer in the Jin Dynasty, such as their political leanings, and how they participate in the establishment of the early-Jin Dynasty(1115-1161). There were some of these Jin government officer betrayed Jin government and helped Sung government again finally , but there were a few Chinese literati officer still loyal to the Jin government . When the author read poetry and prose about these people, the author could discover some different thoughts between them. These literary writings provide us an opportunity to glimpse the different variations of self-value for each one of them, and also help us to see how these self-value changed when they were torn between Sung and Jin Dynasty. The Author conducted close reading of Chinese literati's literary writings, especially those works which were wrote down after the Jingkang Incident. These literary writings showed these Chinese literati's self-identity and their double cultural perspective. Through their writing, the author would research Chinese literati who southwardly refuged along with Song government, and Chinese literati who defect to Jin government voluntarily. These Chinese literati's writings are quite precious that could make us understand these Chinese literati's self-value transition on Jin and Sung state.




