  • 學位論文


Decision Supporting of ICF based on Sensoring Technologies

指導教授 : 陳履恆


近年來臺灣經濟與環境快速發展,社會結構急劇變遷。研究調查發現,台灣正面臨「高齡化」與「少子化」的衝擊,這都將衍生出人口結構失衡、勞動力缺乏、老人安養照顧服務及扶養負擔…等問題。 隨著環境變遷與社會福利的意識提升,臺灣對於身心障礙者權益與福利逐年重視。為了使臺灣能與國際接軌,經過七年謹慎的評估與審核,在2012年正式啟用世界衛生組織的「國際健康功能與身心障礙分類標準」(簡稱ICF)做為臺灣身心障礙的分類評核原則。 臺灣這樣的政策改變,讓身心障礙的分類評核有新的鑑定方式與服務申請流程。而ICF評核政策中,至少每五年或生涯改變時須重新評估,來重新決定服務資源取得依據的評核規定,雖然讓鑑定機制更完善,但也造成鑑定上冗長時間以及醫療人員無法同時檢測與監測的問題存在著。 為了達到上述所提到的支援功能,本計畫將提出以Xtion PRO Live來做為對象測量與動作和活動性之評核,並結合Arduino進行溫度監測系統實作。透過Xtion PRO Live與Arduino兩個硬體獨立支援,達到計畫所提出的即時檢測與監測目的,讓醫護人員在進行ICF時能同時掌握受測者活動功能與生理的狀態。


社會福利 ICF Arduino Xtion PRO Live 感測技術


In recent years, Taiwan's economy and environment varies from time to time, the social structure also changed dramatically. Studies show that Taiwan is facing the impact of "aging population society" and "fewer children", which will derive the following problem: demographic imbalance, lack of labor, elderly nursing care services and dependency burden. With the awareness of Environmental Change and Social Welfare, Taiwan gradually pays attention to the interests and welfare of the handicapped. In order to make Taiwan gear to international standards, after seven years of carefully evaluate and audit, Taiwan was admitted to officially join the World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (Abbreviated to ICF) as Taiwan's disability classification assessment principles. Since policy change, there comes with a new way of disability classification assessment method and applying process. Due to ICF assessment provision, at least every five years or a career change must re-evaluate to re-determine services acquisition and resources allocation based on the assessment requirements, although the identification mechanism could be improved, it also causes to spend a lot of time on assessment process as well as the health care person can not detect the state of the subjects and monitor the activity ability of the subjects simultaneously. In order to achieve the above mentioned features, this paper proposes an implementation using Kinect as the object measurement and assessment of the actions and activities, combined with the Arduino temperature monitoring system. Through two independent hardware Xtion PRO Live and Arduino, this study achieves the goal of real-time detection and monitoring purposes, also lets health care person grasp both physical activity ability and physiological state of the subjects when conducting ICF plan system.


[1] World Health Organization. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: ICF. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2001.
[2] World Health Organization. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: Children and Youth version: ICFCY. Geneva:World Health Organization; 2007.
[3] 廖華芳、黃靄雯。2009。「國際功能、失能和健康分類」(ICF)簡介及其於台灣推行之建議。 FJPT 34(5):310-318
[4] 行政院衛生署九十九年度委託研究計畫《國際健康功能與身心障礙分類系統(ICF)推動計畫》。計畫編號:99M4080
