  • 學位論文


QFD and multi-criteria decision making applications

指導教授 : 蔡文賢 HASH(0xbd88140) 呂俊德


在全球化的時代下,設備開發的競爭日漸激烈。以台灣環境來說,除了本土企業的競爭外、還要面對來自中國大陸的設備開發商,以及既有的世界級設備開發大廠的進入障礙。系統開發商若還是按照一般的設計模式,以經驗以及業務所提出的需求來開發設備,他們將常會碰到設計上的盲點,導致開發出來的設備不完全符合客戶想要的。 本研究(一)是運用品質機能的展開,使用其系統的分析模式開發新產品設備。經由品質機能展開後更能夠的有效觀察整體的系統,並且可以很清楚的知道所需要設計開發的重點與功能。研究(二)在傾聽客戶聲音並轉譯成為設計的聲音後,再使用多準則決策的理想解類似度順序偏好法找尋最佳的設計方案。 綜合研究(一)與研究(二),設備開發商如能整合客戶需求,將可開發符合客戶需求的設備並取得客戶滿意,這也是屬於最佳成本與開發的效能。若能善用此兩架構作研究開發,設備開發商將可以更有效率以及準確地管理以達到效能最大化。


Globalization makes keen competition in equipment development industry. For equipment developers in Taiwan, they not only have to face competitions from peers in Taiwan and China but also have to overcome the entry thresholds set up by world-class companies. In following their traditional patterns, as long as equipment developers offer their services only by their experiences or opinions from their sales representatives, equipment developers would encounter blind points, which make their designations far from requirements of their clients. In Model I, I adopt system analysis in Quality Function Deployment to set up new equipments. With effective observation to the whole system in Quality Function Deployment, equipment developers would have clear ideas on key factors and functions in equipment establishment. In Model II, after listening to the voices from our customers, I adopt Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution in Multi-Criteria Decision Making to look for the best solution. For equipment developers, with proper adoption in Model I and Model II, integrate voice from customers in equipment development would not only close to requirements from customers but also maximize their management efficiency.


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13. 林士彥,「結合灰關聯分析與品質機能展開法探討形象商圈服務品質之研究」,生物與休閒事業研究,第二卷,第二期,第38~65頁,民國93年12月。
15. 何修仁、畢威寧,「應用品質機能展開於大學國文福輔導課程設計之研究」,聯大學報,第五卷,第一期,民國97年6月。
16. 何修仁、畢威寧,「品質機能展開結合層級分析法應用於華語數位教學平台建置之研究」,聯大學報,第九卷,第一期,民國101年6月。
8. 李瑋浩,「TOPSIS群體理想解整合模式之研究」,國立成功大學,碩士論文,民國98年。
