  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwan Professional Beauty Industry for Entering the Market of China

指導教授 : 林欣美


論文名稱:台灣專業美容業西進中國之研究 校院系:國立暨南國際大學國際企業研究所 頁 數:1 畢業時間:2007年/6月 學位別:碩士 研究生:曾俊明 指導教授:林欣美 論文中文摘要 闡釋企業何以國際化的動機、赴何地或以何種方式進行國際化,一直是國際企業管理領域裡位居核心的熱門話題。隨著交通運輸的進步、通訊設備的改良,縮小了世界的距離、也打破固有的國家疆界,「世界村」不再是口號,早已成為每個人、每個企業、每個國家都要面對的課題。本研究將根據台灣專業美容業之特性,面臨成熟市場之競爭劇烈情況下,圖謀脫困而西進中國市場之議題;再依據Penrose等的資源基礎學派Resources-Based View , RBV及Montgomery多角化理論等論述主張,亦即企業內部競爭的優勢;以及Porter的競爭策略學派、產業組織學派外部環境市場競爭優勢的觀點Market-BasedView , MBV來探討台灣專業美容業西進中國之可行性。無論是就內部資源擁有的優勢所產生的推力(Lin & Yeh, 2002),或者是當地市場與經濟構面的改變對企業的衝擊(Child and Tse, 2001)而產生的機會選擇,亦即來自外部環境面的拉力,本研究試圖將內控型RBV及外控型MBV兩個互斥的觀點做出折衷的整合性連結,並以陷入困境的台灣專業美容業為例,就西進中國市場的議題分別以RBV及MBV檢視其適合性。西進中國固然具有某些變數及不安定性,然而,相對於台灣當地市場受到擠壓、瓜分及激烈競爭,西進中國的策略不失為脫離困境的可行之選擇。本研究所建議的西進策略包括以協業專業形象建立品牌形象、藉由協助大陸證照制度建立鋪陳新通路、再以研討會等學術活動漸露產業規格並拉高進入障礙、最後在透過連鎖加盟的方式將大陸的美容沙龍店納入台灣的加盟體系中。 關鍵字:資源基礎學派,環境基礎學派,服務業,專業,專業美容業,技術移轉


Title of Thesis:A Study of Taiwan Professional Beauty Industry for Entering the Market of China Name of Institute:Graduate Department of International Enterprise Pages:96 Graduation Time:06 / 2007 Degree Conferred:EMBA Student Name:Tseng,Chun-Ming Advisor Name:Dr.Lin Hsin-Mei ABSTRACT To explain the motivation, to where and how for an enterprise’ globalization is the core focus Topic in the field of Global Business Management. The progression of transportation and the innovation of communication shrink the world’ distance. The traditional territory of nation is destroyed, and the so-called “World village” comes true year by year. The distance between everyone, company and Country is shorter and shorter than before. According to the characteristics of Taiwan professional beauty industry, the thesis wishes to focus some topics concerning their entering the market of China. There are two main streamline concerning the motivation of global strategy. One is Resources-based View, RBV which focuses inwardly on the firm’s resources and capacities ( Penrose,1959; Barney,1986; Grant , 1991; Peteraf , 1993) , while the other is Market-based View, MBV which typically stresses privileged end-product market positions(Chamberlain,1932; Bain,1956; Gilbert,1989). This thesis also wishes to look for a balance Viewpoint for RBV and MBV theories. In Taiwan, professional beauticians are forced to learn as much skills as possible to face the hot competition. Also their management capacities are well trained and improved through the competitions. All of these valuable experiences and technologies are the ownership advantages and be a good guarantee when they entering the market of China. The only thing they need is to find out some organizations that could help them in establishing a bridge between Taiwan and China. Key words: RBV,MBV,Service Industry,Professional,Professional Beauty Industry,Technology Transfer


Bain J(1956),Barriers to new Competition, Harvard University Press:Cambridge, MA
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Barney J(1991),Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage , Journal of Management 17 : 99-120
Barney J(2002),Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, 2nd edition Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ


