  • 學位論文


Grassroots farmers in local governance role and function of-Case in Xinyi Township Farmers' Association

指導教授 : 林吉郎


中文摘要 論文名稱:基層農會在地方治理中之角色與功能-以信義鄉農會為例 校院系:國立暨南國際大學人文學院公共行政與政策學系 頁數:138頁 畢業時間:102年/10月 學位別:碩士 研究生:林哲宇 指導教授:林吉郎博士 南投縣信義鄉位於臺灣省南投縣東部,是全縣面積最大的鄉鎮,也是全國面積第二大的鄉鎮。鄉內居民漢人與原住民約各半。信義鄉面積雖廣闊,然總人口數僅約1萬7千多人,多數人以務農維生。信義鄉農會是該鄉內最大之社團法人組織,極具重要性,也是經營多功能、多目標、連環相輔性的綜合性事業體,其性質兼具政治性、教育性、經濟性、金融性及社會性,其上級主管機關為行政院農業委員會及南投縣政府。 信義鄉農會也是該鄉唯一的金融機構,該農會屬於偏遠地區型農會,營運規模與組織編制都屬於中等。921地震後,南投縣受創最為嚴重,農業發展亦深受其害,信義鄉農會總幹事黃志輝等人遂積極思考轉型,希能為地區發展、農業經濟開創新的前途。在行政院農委會補助下,信義鄉農會決定結合當地特產-青梅,籌劃建置梅子夢工廠、驛站、酒莊等設施。2002年獲得全國第一張民營酒莊執照,開始自產、自銷正規醇酒,銷售頗佳。近年該會更積極參加國內、外重要酒類比賽,歷經激烈競爭焠鍊後,榮獲多項大獎,在業界已取得一席之地。近年農會更與國片海角七號相結合,大獲好評,成功將農會聲望推向巔峰。 信義鄉農會除履獲大獎績效傲人外,與一般農會最大之差異處,就是願意長期投入、付出及參與信義鄉,甚至是外鄉鎮的地方治理,且不斤斤計較盈利與回收。公部門或許在法令、資源、技術與人才方面力有未逮,或遭限制不易施展,農會則較無此問題,因而願意在能力範圍內,積極從事各層面之地方治理,進而推展觀光,振興地方經濟,促進地區永續發展,深獲社會各界好評,以該農會之組織與規模,能獲此地位與肯定,甚是難能可貴。當今信義鄉農會已成為我國民間組織協助公部門執行地方治理之典範,其歷程與經驗殊值吾人深入研究與探討。 關鍵詞:地方治理、公私協力、永續發展、網絡治理


Title of Thesis:Grassroots farmers in local governance role and function of-Case in Xinyi Township Farmers' Association Name of Institute:Department of Public Policy and Administration,college of humanities,National Chi Nan University Pages:138 Graduation Time:OCT/2013 Degree Conferred:Master Student Name:Che-yu Lin Advisor Name:Dr. Ji-lang Lin Abstract: Xinyi Township, Nantou County, Nantou County, Taiwan Province in the east , is the county's largest town , is also the country 's second largest township area . Han Chinese and indigenous and rural residents within about half and half . Although the vast area of Xinyi Township , then the total population of only about 10,007 thousand people , the majority of people depend on agriculture for a living. Xinyi Township Farmers Corp. is the largest organization in the township , great importance , also operates multi-functional, multi-objective , integrated chain of complementary business units , the nature of both the political , educational , economic, - financial and social, to their superior authorities and the Council of Agriculture, Nantou County . Township Xinyi Township Farmers also the only financial institution that belongs to remote areas Farmers Farmers type , size and organizational preparation operations are moderate . After the 921 earthquake, the worst hit Nantou County , agricultural development also recognizes suffer , Xinyi Township Farmers' Association Director Wong Chi Fai , who then transformation of positive thinking , hope can do for regional development , agricultural economy to open up new prospects . In the Council of Agriculture grants , Lutheran Township Farmers' Association decided to combine the local specialty - plum , plum planning to build DreamWorks , inn , wineries and other facilities. 2002 was the first national private winery license, began production from the regular wine sales , selling quite well . In recent years, this will be more actively participate in domestic and foreign liquor important game , after quenching chain after fierce competition , won several awards , has made a place in the industry . In recent years, farmers will be more integrated with the domestic film Cape , to great acclaim , the success of the Farmers prestige to the pinnacle. Xinyi Township Farmers 'Association award-winning performance in addition to impressive outside, and generally the largest difference of the Farmers' Association, is willing to put in long-term pay and participation in Xinyi Township, even outside the township of local governance, and do not care about profits and recycling. Perhaps in the public sector laws, resources, technology and skills needed talent, or restricted to easily cast, compared Farmers no such problems within the capacity and thus are willing to actively engage in all aspects of local governance, thereby promoting tourism, revitalize the local economy and promote sustainable development in the region, deep community praise to the organization and scale of the farmers can receive this status and recognition, is very commendable. Xinyi Township Farmers' Association today has become China's non-governmental organizations to assist the implementation of a model of local governance in the public sector, whose history of exceptional value and experience our in-depth study and discussion. Key words: Local Governance、Public-private partnership、Sustainable Development、Network Management


