  • 學位論文


The Competition on Strategic Interests in Southeast Asia between United States and China

指導教授 : 陳佩修


論文摘要 東南亞這塊區域是世上問題最複雜,卻又牽涉利益最大的地區之一。區域內天然資源豐富,扼控麻六甲海峽,戰略位置重要,向來是兵家必之爭地。冷戰時期美、蘇兩超級強權在此一地區相互競逐形成對峙。冷戰結束後,隨著兩極對抗體系的瓦解,此一區域內出現了「權力真空」狀態,引起近隣的中國、日本、印度等區域強國在此地進行權力競爭,企圖填補權力的真空,成為該地區新的強權。其中,最有可能的則是崛起的中國,中國利用其成長中的經濟實力,企圖挑戰美國在東南亞的霸權地位,因此,冷戰結束可視為美、中在東南亞地區影響力此消彼長的開始。 從中國創造和平穩定的周邊環境,與「睦鄰友好」的外交政策等諸般作為,不難看出中國參與東南亞事務的決心。在強化與東南亞地區的國家利益,爭取合作之餘,中國必須顧及美中未來可能的戰略利益衝突,而須預先準備各項防範作為。美國亞太的大戰略對中國東南亞戰略形成重大影響,中國在東南亞因應美國的戰略,亦將牽動美國戰略發展。可以預見21世紀的東南亞安全,中國的政策走向與美國的態度,將會是影響東南亞安全最大的變數。 對美國而言東南亞當然有其地緣政治利益,2009年美國與東協簽署了「東南亞友好合作條約」,表達美國重返東南亞的決心。因此,無論基於東南亞區域的權力平衡、亦或美國國土安全利益及未來政策取向,在環太平洋一帶維持前進駐守及部署,是其戰略重點。其目的在於確保美國的國家利益,但從這樣的戰略部署不難看出美國「新圍堵政策」的目標是誰?同時驗證戰略企圖是為了強化在亞太地區的主導地位,但此舉“重返東南亞”將使該地區的政治形勢更加錯綜複雜,中美兩強的區域霸主之爭更趨白熱化。


Abstract Southeast Asia is probably not only an area that has the world’s most complicated problems, but also one of the locations that is greatly involved with interests. From a military perspective, Southeast Asia is geographically important because this area has abundant natural resources, and moreover, its location is strategically vital because of the controlling the Strict of Malacca.During the Cold War Era, in this area there were two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, competing and against each other. Following the end of the Cold War, there was a “power vacuum” situation in the area due to the collapse of the system of bipolar confrontation, which has led to a competition among powerful countries of the surrounding areas, including China, Japan, India, etc. These countries have competed for the power; they are in an attempt to fill up the vacuumed condition for power, and to become the new superpower in that area.Among these countries, China is the most likely one to rise up. By taking the advantage of the growing economic strength, China is making an attempt to challenge the hegemonic status of the United States in Southeast Asia. Therefore, the end of the Cold War can be seen as the beginning of power exchange between China and the United States in Southeast Asia. From China’s attempt in creating a peaceful and secured surrounding environment, and also its various activities such as the foreign policy of “Good-Neighbourliness and Friendly Cooperation”, it is not difficult at all to tell China’s determination for getting involved in the affairs of Southeast Asia. Asides from reinforcing the national interest with Southeast Asia countries, and striving for cooperation with them, China has to give consideration to a possible conflict of strategic interest in the future between the United States and itself. In such a case, preventive actions have to be prepared in advance. The big Asia-Pacific strategy of the United States has a significant impact on the Southeast Asia strategy of China. Similarly, China’s Southeast Asia strategy in responding to United States is also going to influence the strategy development of the United States. It can be foreseen that for the security of Southeast Asian in the 21st Century, China’s policy direction as well as American’s political attitude are going to be the greatest variables for the security of Southeast Asia. For the United States, Southeast Asia of course has its geo-political advantage. Americans have stated their determination for returning to Southeast Asia by signing the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. As a consequence, whether it is based on a power-balance in the area of Southeast Asia, or is for the advantage of territory security of the United States and the direction of its future policy, maintaining an advanced guard and deployment around the pacific-rim area is the key strategy. The purpose is to secure the national interest of the United States; on the other hand, it is easy to tell from the strategic deployment that the target is for the new containment of the United States.At the same time, it has also been confirmed that the strategic purpose is to reinforce the leadership in the Asia-Pacific area. This action of “re-entry into Southeast Asia”, however, will make the political situation of the area more perplexed and complicated. Between China and the United States, their competing for the dominance of the area will become more white-hot.


Robert Keohane & Joseph Jr. Nye, “Power and Interdependence in the Information Age,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 77, No. 5 (Sep/Oct 1998), p. 86.
