  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Home Care Assistant System Using Wearable Devices and Internet of Things Technology

指導教授 : 姜美玲


隨著醫療科技的發展,國人的平均壽命不斷增加,而失能人口的數量也跟著增加,因此,長期照護的議題也越來越被重視。然而,儘管長照的議題已被高度關注,但在實務上仍有許多照護的問題,例如:台灣長照方式多為居家照護,使得被照護者的家屬不斷積累疲勞和壓力,即便聘請看護工來照護,大多是外籍工又容易遇到語言不通的問題,並且傳統人工照護的效率不佳,或者發生疏忽的狀況等問題,需要被解決。 本研究結合了穿戴式裝置和物聯網技術,建立一居家照護輔助系統,稱為 Information Auxiliary Caring System (IACS),包含了用藥提示、外出警示、生理與環境監測、即時警示回饋,以及多國語言支援等五大子系統。照護者透過用藥提示子系統可以記錄病患每日用藥情形,並避免不當用藥。而外出警示子系統能夠記錄具行動力的被照護者外出的時間和樣貌。而透過生理與環境監測子系統則能讓照護者從遠端輕鬆的監看被照護者的各種生理資訊。即時警示回饋子系統可以即時通知照護者,被照護者開門外出或環境異常的警示,即時處理以減少後續意外的發生。而透過多國語言支援子系統將用藥和醫囑自動翻譯成不同語言,讓不同語言的使用者都能順暢使用本系統。透過以上五大子系統,藉以減輕照護者的工作負擔並降低外籍看護語言不通所造成的溝通和失誤的問題,以達到輔助照護,並提升照護品質之目的。


With the advancement of medical technology, the average life expectancy of Taiwanese people is increasing, and the number of disabled people is also growing. Therefore, the issue of long-term care is getting more and more attention. However, although the issue of long-term care has been highly concerned, there are still many care problems in practice. For example, long-term care in Taiwan is mostly home care, which makes patients’ families accumulate fatigue and pressure, even if caregivers are hired. In addition, most of the caregivers are foreign workers, prone to language barriers. Besides, the problems such as the inefficiency of manual care and negligence need to be solved. This thesis combines wearable devices and Internet of Things technology to construct a home care assistance system called Information Auxiliary Caring System (IACS). It consists of five subsystems: medication reminders, outgoing alerts, physiological and environmental monitoring, real-time warning, and multi-language support. Caregivers can record patients’ daily medication status through the medication reminder subsystem to avoid improper medication. The outgoing alert subsystem can record the time and outlook of the patient when leaving home. Through the physiological and environmental monitoring subsystem, the caregiver can easily monitor various physiological information of patients from a remote site. The real-time warning feedback subsystem can immediately notify the caregiver when the patient opens the door to go out or the environmental data sensed is abnormal, which allows the caregiver to deal with it directly to reduce the occurrence of subsequent accidents. And through the multi-language support subsystem, the medication and doctor's orders are automatically translated into different languages so that users who speak different languages can use the system smoothly. With the above five subsystems, the proposed IACS can reduce caregivers’ workload and the communication problems and mistakes caused by language barriers of foreign caregivers, which achieves auxiliary care and improves the quality of care.


1. 110年第32週內政統計通報(109年國人平均壽命達81.3歲,再創新高), https://www.moi.gov.tw/News_Content.aspx?n=9&s=235554, accessed on Jul. 06, 2022.
2. 衛福部「長照2.0執行現況及檢討」, https://www.mohw.gov.tw/dl-64981-86dfd40d-7294-40d6-b914-52ac5483b43d.html, accessed on Jul. 08, 2022.
3. 勞動部統計數據「產業及社福移工人數」, https://statdb.mol.gov.tw/evta/jspProxy.aspx?sys=220&ym=11101&ymt=11105&kind=21&type=1&funid=wq1414&cycle=41&outmode=0&compmode=0&outkind=3&fldspc=0,1,8,8,&rdm=R104514, accessed on Jul. 08, 2022.
4. 勞動部勞動統計查詢網, https://statfy.mol.gov.tw/index12.aspx, accessed on Jul. 08, 2022.
