  • 學位論文


A Study of Non-Profit Organizations to Promote Teaching English by Picture Books

指導教授 : 莊俐昕


本研究目的旨在藉由實際執行英語繪本方案,進而瞭解非營利陪讀班實施英語教育的現況與困境,並透過課程中觀察及方案結束後的訪談,探討學生英語學習興趣的轉變及對於非營利陪讀班提出實施英語繪本教育之建議。方案執行之成果及發現說明如下: 1.英語繪本教育對於兒童英語學習動機、興趣與態度的影響:內容色彩 豐富及主題多元的繪本,翻轉了學生的學習興趣,其中Phonics課程 提升了學生閱讀英語童書的興趣,而授課者豐富的表情及誇張的肢體 語言,讓學生期待英語繪本課程。 2.英語繪本方案對英文學習的效益:繪本課程活動讓學生勇於發言,同 時協助了排斥學習英語的學生重拾信心。 3.英語繪本方案對陪讀班學生的效益:繪本課程豐富了學生的眼界。 4.英語繪本方案對老師的效益:方案中的教案,包含了繪本教學及延伸 活動、自然拼音的子音、短母音及長母音等課程,可提供老師實際教 學的參考。 承前述執行成果及發現,本研究分別對教材、非營利組織、英文課輔提出建議: 1.對教材的建議:善用繪本可提升學生的英文學習興趣,結合遊戲及延 伸課程活動可增添學習樂趣並豐富課程內容。 2.對非營利組織的建議:善用各縣市圖書館資源及網路電子圖書資源, 補充圖書資源的不足,並利用影音產品創造學生「聽」的環境。在師 資的部分可結合大學英語相關科系緩解師資的需求,並透過網際網路 資訊協助提升老師英語專業度。 3.對英文課輔的建議:藉由適當的媒材提昇學生的學習興趣,老師善用 肢體語言提高學生學習動機。


The objective of this study was to understand the current situation and predicament of English education in non-profit accompanying classes by performing English picture books, and to explore the changes of students' interest in English learning and the suggestions for the implementation of English picture books education for non-profit accompanying classes through the observation of the course and the interview after the end of the program. The results and findings of program implementation were summarized as follows: 1.The influence of English graphic education on children’s motivation, interest and attitude in English learning: Picture books are full of multiple themes and rich in color, they flip the students’ interest in learning English. The phonics courses enhance students’ interest in reading English children’s book. Teacher’s expression and exaggerated body language makes students look forward to the English picture book course. 2.The Benefits of English picture book scheme for English learning: The Picture book activities encourage students to speak and assist students who reject English learning to regain confidence. 3.The effectiveness of the English picture book program on the accompanying class: The effectiveness of the English picture book program on the accompanying class: The picture book enriches the students’ horizons. 4.The effectiveness of the English picture book program for teachers: The teaching plan in the program includes the teaching and extension activities of the picture book. The phonics lessons include consonants, the short vowels and the long vowels. It can provide teacher as a reference. Based on the above implementation results and findings, this study proposes suggestions to the textbooks, non-profit organizations, and English accompanying class as follows: 1.To the textbooks: The use of picture books can enhance students’ interests in English learning. Combine games and extended activities can add fun and enrich the content of the course. 2.To non-profit organizations: Make good use of the resources of city libraries and online e-book resources to supplement the shortage of story books. Also, use audio-visual products and children English songs to create a “listening environment” for students. To link up with English department of university to relieve the needs of teachers and improve the professionalism of teachers through Internet information. 3.To English accompanying class: Using appropriate media to enhance students’ interest in learning, teachers use body language to improve students’ motivation.


TFT(2015)。Teach for Taiwan為台灣而教2014-2015年度報告,引自網路https://www.teach4taiwan.org/about-us/#。
