  • 學位論文

人事人員資訊素養、數位學習動機及使用人力資源資訊系 統應用效益之相關性─以臺中市政府所屬人事人員為例

A Study on the Relationship between the Information Literacy and E-learning Motivation and the Application Benefit of Human Resource Information System of the Government Personnel in Taichung

指導教授 : 賴弘基


本研究旨在探討臺中市人事人員資訊素養、數位學習動機及使用人力資源資訊系統應用效益之關係,主要研究目的有六: 一、 瞭解人事人員資訊素養、數位學習動機及人力資源資訊系統應用效益之現況。 二、 分析不同背景之人事人員在資訊素養之差異情形。 三、 分析不同背景之人事人員在數位學習動機之差異情形。 四、 分析不同背景之人事人員在人力資源資訊系統應用效益之差異情形。 五、 剖析人事人員資訊素養、數位學習動機與人力資源資訊系統應用效益的相關情形。 六、 探討人事人員資訊素養、數位學習動機對人力資源資訊系統應用效益的預測力。 本研究主要採用問卷調查法。問卷內容包含基本背景資料、資訊素養量表、數位學習動機量表、人力資源資訊系統應用效益量表等四部分。研究對象為服務於臺中市政府所屬機關之專任人事人員,取樣共357份,回收355份,有效樣本回收率為99.4%。問卷所得資料以SPSS18.0 版進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關、典型相關以及多元迴歸分析等統計分析。 根據文獻探討、問卷調查分析與討論,本研究共獲致以下各項結論: 一、 臺中市人事人員在資訊素養表現傾向中上程度,其中以「觀念層面」較高。 二、 臺中市人事人員在數位學習動機表現傾向中等程度,其中以「求知興趣」較高。 三、 臺中市人事人員在人力資源資訊系統應用效益表現傾向中上程度,其中以「營運效益」較高。 四、 臺中市人事人員的性別、年齡、學歷、服務年資、職務、現敘職等、服務單位七個背景變項,在「資訊素養」或其構面的表現上均達顯著差異。 五、 臺中市人事人員的性別、年齡、學歷、服務年資、服務單位五個背景變項,在「數位學習動機」或其構面的表現上均達顯著差異。 六、 臺中市人事人員的年齡、服務年資、職務、服務單位四個背景變項,在「人力資源資訊系統應用效益」或其構面的表現上均達顯著差異。 七、 臺中市人事人員資訊素養與數位學習動機相關達顯著差異。 八、 臺中市人事人員資訊素養與人力資源資訊系統應用效益相關達顯著,以「觀念」最具預測力。 九、 臺中市人事人員數位學習動機與人力資源資訊系統應用效益相關達顯著,以「求知興趣」最具預測力。 十、 臺中市人事人員資訊素養與數位學習動機對人力資源資訊系統應用效益相關達顯著,以「資訊素養」最具預測力。 根據研究結論,本研究對行政院人事行政總處及臺中市政府人事處、臺中市公務人力訓練中心、臺中市人事人員以及未來研究提出建議,以供參考。


This study aims to explore the relationship between government personnel officers’ information literacy, e-learning motivation, and the application benefit of human resource information system. The main purposes of this study are as follows: 1. Understanding the current situation of personnel officers’ information literacy, e-learning motivation, and the application benefit of human resource. 2. Analyzing the differences of information literacy coming from variant backgrounds of government personnel. 3. Analyzing the differences of the e-learning motivation resulted by different backgrounds of government personnel. 4. Analyzing the differences of the application benefit of human resource derived from different backgrounds of government personnel. 5. Investigating the correlations of personnel officers’ information literacy, e-learning motivation, and the application benefit of human resource. 6. Exploring the predictive ability of personnel officers’ information literacy, e-learning motivation to the application benefit of human resource. This study mainly employed Questionnaire Survey, and the survey contains four parts:Personal Background Information, Information Literacy Scale, E-learning Motivation Scale and the Application Benefit of Human Resource Scale. Subjects are personnel officers working in Taichung City Government. 357 questionnaires were sent out and 355 ones were collected back with the valid response rate of 99.4%. Data collected were processed with SPSS version 18.0 for descriptive statistics, Independent Samples T Test, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient, Canonical Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis. According to literature review, questionnaire survey and discussion, this study obtained conclusions as follows. 1. Pesonnel with upper-intermediate information literacy have higher literacy on “Concept Level”. 2. Personnel with e-learning motivation tend to be moderate, and they have higher motivation on “search for interested information”. 3. Personnel with upper-intermediate human resource information system application benefit have higher benefit on “Operation”. 4. Seven background variables of personnel that affected the information literacy are gender, age, educational backgrounds, years of working, position, rank and service units. 5. Five background variables of personnel that affected the e-learning motivation are gender, age, educational backgrounds, years of working and service units. 6. Four background variables of personnel that affected the application benefit of human resource information system are age, years of working, position and service units. 7. The information literacy and e-learning motivation is significantly correlated of the perssonel. 8. The information literacy and application benefit of human resource information system is significantly correlated of the perssonel, and the most predictive variable is “Concept Level”. 9. The e-learning motivation and application benefit of human resource information system is significantly correlated of the perssonel, and the most predictive variable is “search for interested information ”. 10. The information literacy and e-learing motivation to the application benefit of human resource information system are significantly correlated of the perssonel, and the most predictive variable is “Iinformation Literacy”. The results of this study can be references for directorate-general of personnel administration, Executive Yuan , The department of personnel, civil service traing center, personnel in Taichung government and suggestions of future studies.


吳彥輝 (2000)。人力資源資訊系統之研究-以統一公司為例(未出版之暑期專案研究論文)。國立中山大學。高雄市。
