  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study on Teacher Associations between Taiwan and British Columbia Province in Canada

指導教授 : 蕭芳華


中文摘要 本研究旨在針對中、加兩國教師組織的現況進行比較研究。本研究之研究方法主要係採文件分析法與比較研究法,針對台灣與加拿大BC省地區教師組織的成立緣起、組織類別、組織結構、組織目標、組織活動情形及主要發展趨勢等方面進行比較研究;並期藉比較研究的結果為我國教師組織的未來發展方向提出值得參考的建議。本研究的主要發現大致上可歸納如下: 一、我國的教師會則有學校層級的設置,加拿大地區的教師組織沒有學校層級。 二、加拿大與台灣地區教師組織均為因應社會的變遷,不斷進行功能的調整。加拿大卑詩省積極與公立勞工團體尋求合作。加拿大雖也是工會主義,但政府另外促成一個教師學院朝向專業主義發展,並掌管教師證照發給和專業倫理紀律。臺灣教師團體發展的趨勢是追求工會主義,尚在努力中。 三、加拿大與台灣地區教師組織的會員招募均以教師為主體。 四、加拿大與台灣地區教師組織之會員均以自願入會為主。 五、加拿大與台灣地區教師組織均以爭取教師福利、保障教師權益及提昇教師的專業能力為目標。


Abstract The study aims to compare the teachers’ associations or unions between Taiwan and British Columbia Province in Canada, including their historical development, organizational goals and structure, membership, activities, and trends of reform. With document-analysis and comparative studies,the study proposes some suggestions for the development of teachers’ association or unions in Taiwan in the future. The conclusion is as follows: 1. Teachers’ associations of Taiwan can have the school level establishment, but the teachers’ associations of Canadian can not have the school level. 2. The goals of teachers’ associations in both Taiwan and Canada reform as their socieities change. Mainly whether to professionalize or to industrialize is the focus of dilemma. 3. Both in Taiwan and Canada, members of teachers’ association are mainly recruited from teachers. 4. Members of teachers’ associations join the association on voluntary basis in both Taiwan and Canada. 5. Teachers’ associations in Taiwan and Canada are both making efforts to promote welfare of their members and to upgrade their status of professional.


BC Ministry of Education. (2005). School act. Vancouver: BC Ministry of Education.
BC province government. (2003). Bill 51. Retrieved January 24, 2008, from http://www.leg.bc.ca/37th4th/3rd_read/gov51-3.htm
BC Province Government. (2004). Teaching Profession Act. Retrieved January 24, 2008, from http://www.qp.gov.bc.ca/statreg/stat/T/96449_01.htm#section1
BCCT. (2006a). About us. Retrieved Sep. 25, 2007, from http://www.bcct.ca/about_us/default.aspx
BCCT. (2006b). Teacher education programs in British Columbia. Retrieved January 24, 2008, from http://www.bcct.ca/teacher_education/default.aspx


