  • 學位論文


The implementation and reflection of the White Paper on International Education for Primary & Secondary Schools in Taiwan: the case study of planning of integrated curriculum of school-based approach in primary schools

指導教授 : 鍾宜興


本研究透過訪談法和文件分析,聚焦於兩個國小學校本位融入課程規劃的個案研究,對臺灣《中小學國際教育白皮書》的推動進行反思。具體而言,研究目的如下:一、分析臺灣中小學國際教育之推動政策;二、釐清國際教育的相近概念;三、檢視白皮書所列的核心理念之「學校本位」;四、檢視白皮書所列的核心理念之「融入課程」;五、探究臺灣國民小學國際教育學校本位融入課程的規劃;六、反思臺灣國民小學國際教育學校本位的融入課程規劃,提出建議。 本研究結論如下: 一、 中小學國際教育的推動在《中小學國際教育白皮書》公布前,政府的文件中已論及國際教育的理念與些許作法。公布後,依白皮書的規劃進行若干作為。 二、 英語為國際交流的重要溝通工具,另外,除英語外的第二外國語言,亦可作為學習該他文化的語言工具。 三、 國際教育與全球教育目的相似,內涵也大致相同。嚴格區辨不同之處,唯有國際教育的核心觀點乃從國家出發,亦即國與國之間的交流是建立在「差異」的前提,全球的互動是建立在「同一」的前提。 四、 學校本位實為學校本位管理。包括經費預算運用、學校人事決定、課程與教學與以及學校行政運作。 五、 融入課程即統整課程。統整的類型可分為單一學科的統整、跨學科的統整、科際融合的統整、超學科的統整。融入方式可依學習時間分成排課時間與非排課時間兩大類。融入的困難在於時間的排擠,對此,可參考九年一貫課程指標,擇定重點領域。 六、 與大學的合作容易促成小學國際教育的推動。社會網絡關係所獲致的資源加上校長的支持,可開創出具特色的國際教育方案。 七、 學校將國際教育制訂為校本課程,校本課程可分為無法複製相同經驗的課程,以及營造情境進行類似的課程。 八、 國小教育現場充分利用非排課時間,透過情境教育的方式融入國際教育。排課時間的融入,包括晨光時間的讀報;用彈性課程時間與綜合領域時間進行主題式超學科統整課程。另,校內成員依任教領域進行融入課程。 九、 國際教育融入課程設計之主要困難為將概念轉化為教學設計;教學的執行;以及時間與負擔的問題。將概念轉化為合適的教學設計,所遭遇的困境可細分為二,一是教學設計中的活動無法與國際教育結合;另外是容易側重知識的傳遞。 十、 學校SIEP撰寫模式略有不同,但皆遵循SIEP的格式。兩校共同認為,SIEP表件繁複;全球競合力的指標在國小課程中不易見到;以及操作型定義難以撰寫。 綜合前述發現,本研究擬具下述建議: 一、 持續推動國際教育專案計畫,鼓勵成立國際教育教師專業成長社群,提供經費與專業諮詢。 二、 持續辦理中小學國際教育教師專業成長課程,增進教師國際教育知能,開放教師個人參與研習管道。國際教育融入課程知能的研習,應兼具理論與實作課程,指導國際教育融入課程教學設計的撰寫,產出教學設計。 三、 教育部應重新檢視SIEP表件,省思SIEP表件的定位。 四、 充分利用學生在校學習時間,規劃不同型態的融入課程。 五、 學校規劃主題式課程的國際教育方案時,可結合現有的學校本位課程,充分利用學校在地文化或學校特色。亦可營造情境,進行國際教育課程。 六、 國際教育融入課程的研發歷程包括,國際教育概念釐清、尋找主題、進行教學設計、試教與前後測、反思再修正教學設計。歷程中,尤應留意將概念轉化為教學設計;教學執行;以及時間與負擔的問題。 七、 SIEP的撰寫首重凝聚共識,學校視其型態決定撰寫模式。


Through interview and document analysis, this thesis attempted to examine and reflect the implementation of White Paper on International Education for Primary & Secondary Schools in Taiwan. With the focus on school-based management and integrated curriculum, the researcher explored the planning of integrated curriculum of school-based approach in two primary schools. Based on findings, some conclusions of this study can be reached as follows: 1. English is an important communication tool for international exchange. But, being tools for learning different cultures, other second foreign languages should not be ignored. 2. The ideal of international education is similar to the one of global education. The difference between the two ideals is the premises. The former, putting emphasis on crossing boundaries of states, is based on differences; the latter, highlighting the same responsbility of all states, on the "similarity". 3. School-based approach is referred to school-based management. The contents of this term is about budgeting, personnel, curriculum and teaching and administraton of school. 4. Types of integrated curriculum can be classified into single subject integration, cross-discipline integration, inter-sectional integration, supra-discipline integration. 5. Primary school, teamed up with University, is much easier to promote international education. Besides school principals’ support, resources obtained from social networks of relationships can come up international education programmes with the feature of schools. 6. Experiences of School-based curriculum can be sorted into two categories: replicable and irreplicable. 7. All schools time can be used to promote integrated curriculum of international education. 8. The major difficulties of international education curriculum design are the translation of concepts into teaching design, the practice of teaching, and time limits. 9. The same opinions are expressed in two schools: SIEP tables are complicated; the aim of fostering the abilities of global competition/cooperation cannot be easily implemented in elementary curriculum; and the operational definition is difficult to write. Based on the above-mentioned findings, the following recommendations are proposed: 1. To keep promoting international education projects, encouraging the establishment of international education of teachers' professional development communities, and providing financial aid and professional advices. 2. To continue organizing the workshops of teachers' professional development of international education and improving teachers' knowledge of international education. The workshops of international education should include both theoretical and practical training courses 3. To review the SIEP tables. 4. To design different patterns of integrated curriculum by fully using school time. 5. To integarate international education programs with existing school curricula by means of making full use of local cultures or characteristics which school located or by creating a situation to impose international educational curriculum. 6. To implement and improve the school-based international education curriculum through clarifying the concept, looking for topics, designing instructional process, teaching, evaluating and reflecting the teaching. 7. To form a common consensus in school in order to set up the plan of international education.


一、 中文


