  • 學位論文


The Study of International Exchange Development in Guolin Elementary School

指導教授 : 林志成


本研究採用個案研究、行動研究於研究者任職學校之菓林國小,組成教師專業學習社群,進行國際交流發展之研究,採取訪談、文件分析蒐集相關資料,以探究「TPLC國際交流發展樣貌」、「TPLC國際交流發展的迷失」、「發展國際交流行動智慧MIRAGE雁型模式的六大支持性策略」及「利用行動智慧MIRAGE雁型模式的六大支持性策略系統化探究兩個國際交流『新加坡教育合作』與『福岡亞太兒童會議(APCC)』行動方案,揭露TPLC中習見的問題及解決歷程」。根據理論、研究與實務的對話,研究發現如下: TPLC國際交流發展出五大樣貌及其啟示:第一樣貌-教師出國參訪洽商合作計畫,自我覺知勇於接受挑戰;第二樣貌-兩國國小兩校合作,磨合理解包容彼此差異;第三樣貌-兩國國小三校策略聯盟,相知相惜邁向成熟穩健;第四樣貌-師生出國參加國際會議,擴大視野強化學習深度;第五樣貌-中小學三校策略聯盟接待日生寄宿家庭,親師一家親學校大家庭,TPLC國際交流發展歷程可依五大樣貌的啟示實施規劃。 TPLC國際交流發展有六大迷失需克服:國際交流共識方向與願諾難凝聚,意見易流於紛雜;國際交流課程主軸與內容難聚焦,課程易流於表層化;國際交流教學實施難轉化,教學易流於活動化;國際交流行政支援難靈活,處室本位易流於固著化;國際交流文化交融難深入,交流易流於形式化;國際交流學習成效難掌握,成果易流於淺碟化。 TPLC宜善用國際交流行動智慧MIRAGE雁型模式六大支持性策略:鏡照(Mirror)策略─行動智慧導引自身反照激發熱情;整合(Integration)策略─國際交流在地化課程整合發展;反思(Reflection)策略─國際交流教學時時反思演化升級;務實(Accessibility)策略─國際交流行政務實因應高效領導;雁行(Geese)策略─國際交流雁型流動相互支援;檢核(Evaluation)策略─國際交流多元評量躍升學習能力。


This study aims to learn international exchange development for Teacher Professional Learning Community (TPLC) in Guolin Elementary School through various research methods, such as case study and action research. The scope of this study includes: the strategies of international exchange development for TPLC in Guolin Elementary School, the issues of international exchange development for TPLC in Guolin Elementary School, the six supporting strategies for developing international exchange through MIRAGE flying-geese model of Wisdom for Action and exploring “Collaboration with Singapore school” and “Asia pacific children conference in Japan” by applying MIRAGE flying-geese model of Wisdom for Action to expose common issues in TPLC and solutions to them. According to theory, research and practice, the findings are as follows. 1. Five strategies progressed through international exchange development for TPLC in Guolin Elementary School: (1) Collaboration plan for teachers visiting abroad (2) Collaboration between two schools in two countries (3) Collaboration between three schools in two countries (4) Attending international conference abroad for teachers and students (5) Strategic alliance between junior high and elementary schools to accommodate Japanese students homestay 2. Six issues to overcome in international exchange development for TPLC: (1) Difficulty in reaching a common understanding due to difference in cultures (2) Difficulty to go depth into course objectives and contents (3) Tendency for teaching to become entertainment act ivies (4) Difficulty for administration support to be flexible (5) Difficulty to go depth in learning different cultures (6) Difficulty in controlling learning effectiveness 3. Taking advantage of the six supporting strategies in MIRAGE flying-geese model of Wisdom for Action by TPLC: (1) Mirror – self reflection to lead to inspire passion (2) Interaction – localized international exchange course to integrate development (3) Reflection – self-examination in international exchange to advance teaching (4) Accessibility – practical administration to promote efficient leadership (5) Geese – international exchange in flying-geese paradigm to gain mutual support (6) Evaluation – multi-level assessment in international exchange to promote learning ability


