  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between School Support and School Adjustment of Primary student from Single-parent Family in Taichung

指導教授 : 翁福元


本研究旨在探討不同背景變項之國小單親家庭學童學校支持與學校適應之現況與相關,其次比較不同單親家庭學童背景變項及學校背景變項,在學校支持與學校適應的差異情形,最後根據結論提出具體可行之建議,以提供教育相關單位及未來研究之參考。 本研究以問卷調查方法進行之,以臺中市公立國民小學單親家庭學童為取樣對象,有效問卷為719份。 研究工具為「臺中市國小學童學校生活經驗」,調查問卷包含「學校支持量表」與「學校適應量表」兩部份。本研究所使用的統計方法有描述統計、平均數差異考驗(t-test)、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、皮爾遜積差相關(Pearson’s product-moment correlation)及逐步多元迴歸(stepwise multiple regression analysis)等。研究結果歸納如下: 一、臺中市國小單親家庭學童知覺學校支持現況屬中上程度,以教師支持最高、同儕支持及行政支持依序次之。 二、不同背景變項之臺中市國小單親家庭學童在學校支持之差異均未達顯著水準。 三、臺中市國小單親家庭學童學校適應現況屬中上程度,以環境適應及常規適應最高,人際適應、自我適應及學習適應依序次之。 四、部分不同背景變項之臺中市國小單親家庭學童在學校適應之差異達顯著水準 五、臺中市國小單親家庭學童學校支持與學校適應呈正相關。 六、臺中市國小單親家庭學童學校支持對學校適應具預測力。


This study is to explore the relationship between school support and school adjustment of primary students from single-parent family. Hence this study is to investigate the status quo, to explore the influence factors, and finally, to examine the correlation between school support and school adjustment of single-parent family’s primary students. Questionnaire survey is conducted in this study. The sample of the study consists of 719 primary students from single-parent family in Taichung. Two survey instruments are implemented in the study, including “School Support Scale of Primary Students from Single-Parent Family ” and “School Adjustment Scale of Primary Students from Single-Parent Family”. The data of the study is analyzed by using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The followings are the results of the study: 1. The perceive score of school supports of primary students from single-parent family is higher than the average. With regard to school support dimensious,that of teachers’ supports is the highest, followed by that of peer supports. The dimension score of school administration supports is the lowest. 2. There is no significantly difference amongst the school support dimensious perceived by primary students from single-parent family. 3. The perceive score of school adjustment of primary students from single-parent family is higher than the average. The score among all the school adjustment of environment adaptation and norm adaptation is the highest, followed by that of relationship adaptation and self adaptation. That of the school adjustment of learning adaptation is the lowest. 4. The perceive score of school adjustment of primary students from single-parent family shows significant different by gender, grade, and by whom lives with them. 5. There exists positive correlation between school support and school adjustment of primary student from single-parent family. 6. School support can mainly predict school adjustment of primary student from single-parent family




